
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Open And And Shut

I don't blame Roscoe Dixon, and his attorney Coleman Garrett. They are just doing what anyone facing jail time would. That would be anything in their power, to stay out of jail. They are using every trick in the book. Trying to play this thing out. This is just a prelude of things to come. There are five other defendants, in the same predicament. They have tapes and serial numbers of marked bills, to prove the cases against everyone that has been charged. It's all just a matter of going through the motions, at this point. When they didn't plead guilty, like the other politicians involved. I knew we were in for a long and wild ride.

I guess we are just supposed to overlook what our eyes have seen. They have a lot of these people, on tape taking money. To divert our attention from the real issue. The fact that they took money for us to see. Somehow this has turned into a race issue. I don't see where being Black has anything to do with taking bribes. Even though all the defendants are Black and were implicated by Blacks. They tried to get this kicked out based on selective prosecution. The implication was they were singling out Black politicians. Even though two of the people charged were white. How does that translate to discrimination? Whatever happens to Roscoe Dixon, will be a look into the future. Whatever happens to him is just the beginning. Those who follow him will get more of the same. Being the first one to go to trial, he is at a disadvantage himself. The others can use his trial as an example to follow, in their own trials. Considering the fact we are even having this discussion is alarming. There are those who attempt to defend this behavior. This should be open and shut, but I don't know.


  1. Roscoe admitted today he took a $1,000.00. That was the final nail in his defense. His explanation being around Willis and Myers when money was placed on the table was weak.

    Just by looking at the video tapes money was not placed in his was wrapped in the newspaper once and a magazine another time. Reasonable Doubt was established...before he admitted taking $1,000.

    He had every right to defend himself in the hopes his defense put on a good case to be acquitted. Many have done it knowing they were guilty.

    Roscoe might want to consider a plea before the jury make a verdict.

  2. Blinders-Off,

    I was thinking the same thing, he might want to cop a plea. That might not be an option now though. I thought the entrapment and discrimination defenses, were a last ditch effort. Considering the fact it was given any thought, justifies him trying. He still has some supporters. It worked for Harold Ford in the Butcher trial

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I think the whole thing was setup. Why did they only go after African Americans?

  4. Today he was convicted on all five counts of bribery, conspiracy and extortion.That should send a resounding message to all the other defendants awaiting trial. Plead guilty and take your losses. Don't waste the taxpayers money.

  5. Anonymous7:39 PM

    They are going to make an example of him. He won't get the maximum though.

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I hope he does. Nothing is lower than a politician on the take.

  7. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I read your post on Thaddeus's site. You were right in what you said. I wrote something about the recall.And he didn't post what I said.
