
Friday, June 02, 2006


Today someone accused me of being a Step-N-Fetchit Negro. At first it bothered me, I must admit. That was before I took the time to read up on this individual. All I have heard about him has been negative so far.Then I considered the source. The same people that led to his downfall. They usually get things backwards anyway. Which led me to do some farther investigation. I must admit, I didn't know much about the character. After hearing the story below. I know a little more now than I did at first. Read and listen to the link below. To get a somewhat more historical account, of this actors life.

Below we are given a biography of Lincoln Perry. Of course 'Step-N-Fetchit', was not his given name. It was just a character he created in his comedy writings. "The world's laziest man". Mr. Perry was an accomplished writer as well. He was a writer in the "Chicago Defender". His given name was, "Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry" (May 30, 1902–November 19, 1985). I think the readers will find some things about him very interesting. Not to mention surprising, I know I did. It's ironic that the very things he was excluded from. Are ultimately the things that lead to his destruction. Read the link below:


  1. I learn something new everyday.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    This is a very interesting story. I think to know his backgroud, gives us a different perspective.I didn't know he was a writer.

  3. When the person called me this, I think they were trying to be funny. I told them, they needed to keep their day job. If they don't do any better job at work. Than they do telling jokes. Maybe they should quit that also.

  4. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Why would she call you that?

  5. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous 10:24,

    Because she doesn't know any better. If he had been an Uncle Tom, he probably would have died a wealthy man. He was a prime example of,when keeping it real goes bad.

  7. Anonymous 1:13,

    Thanks, always glad to hear from you. Glad to know you're reading.
