
Friday, July 21, 2006

Extension Of Voting Rights Act (1965)

We truly do perish for a lack of knowledge. An empty wagon makes the most noise. Even when they're proven to be wrong. Those perpetuators want to drop it, or change the subject. You can rest assured the loudest person in the crowd, usually doesn't know what they're talking about. In 1965 there was a need, for a voting rights extension. In some places, Blacks were treated less than animals. Especially little spot, the family dog. During that time, Jim Crow was alive and well. There is not a need for Blacks in 2006. The major provisions of the bill, are already permanent law. This is the same mentality that believes, the Hispanics are taking their jobs. If you look at what this bill provides. You just might discover, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. Depending on how you feel about the immigrants. It energizes the opponent to a degree. I just ask that before you start to criticize. Find out what the bill really has to say. Read the link below :

This is another link of the actual signing. Check it out:


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I think we should protest anything that singles out Blacks.

  2. Black,

    Anyone who has a problem with immigration, yet complains about this. Are talking out of both sides of their mouth, whether they know it or not.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM


    You are right about the extemsion.

  4. I was evaluating whether or not my subject content, was interesting to anyone else except myself. Then I remembered the purpose of a blog. To record my thoughts. I determined something a long time ago. I wrote a blog, about my thoughts. Check it out:
