
Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Jury Of Sorts, For A Judge

The old saying goes "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". If someone thinks enough of your actions, to try and copy them. You should consider that an honor, and a sign of respect. It gives you a responsibility, as well as respect though. If people are influenced by you, you have to watch your actions. I would think that particularly applies to a Judge. Who better to rate your performance, than another with the same obligations as you? Of course they must be honest and objective. To give a fair assessment of one another. Your value of their opinion, depends largely on your impression of them. Another Lawyer (Richard Fields)has rated his colleagues that are seeking judgeships, in the upcoming local elections. Bare in Mind that this letter, was sent to other lawyers. Those who are paid for their level of comprehension. He has first hand knowledge, in their field of expertise. A Lawyer's trade, is his intellect. He has to be able to effectively communicate, as well as understand. It's safe to say these are some of the brightest minds in our midst. So I'm sure Mr. Fields would not make unclaimed statements. You must first be a lawyer, before you can be a Judge. I can imagine some of his opinions would be biased. After thirty years in the profession, he is bound to have made some personal friends. Other than the one about "never having been a Judge before". All his concerns are worthy of addressing. Not just because he is a lawyer. But a voting citizen, like you and me. Like I always say "the best defense if you're not guilty, is the truth". If you tell the truth the first time. You never have to change your story. If imitation is good, then I guess criticism is bad. Especially when it's deserved. Go to the Memphis Flyer newspaper's link below. Read what Attorney Richard Fields had to say, about several of his comrades.


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I agree with Richard Fields about the judges. With friends like him the democrats don't need enemies.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Common after reading the lengthy letter that Mr. Fields sent to the 3000 attorney plus the CA. I have this to say, I think that he should endorse whomever he want to because it's his money and he can spend his money how he want to. However, I have one problem with the letter, I feel that he should have kept his personal opinion about the incumbants running against his comrades should have been kept to himself. I don't think he should have included a personal attack in a letter especially when he have skeletons in his closets. I can see him voicing his opinion about their lack of experience however to attack someone personal I don't feel that is professional.

  3. Anonymous 4:37,

    I see no problem with his letter. As a fellow attorney, he has the qualifications to grade others in his profession. If he told a lie, that would be a different story. They could charge him with defamation of character. To this point the statements haven't been disputed. A candidates financial background, is open to the public. If someone can't manage their own finances. You might want to be aware of that, before you put them in charge of others. They try to question his integrity, based on a sexual encounter. He isn't the one, running for office though. He isn't the first man to be involved with a hooker. I'm not condoning his actions. They were definitely wrong. Should someone remain quiet if they witnessed a murder, because they got a speeding ticket earlier? Another thing, let's be real. No one is asking sixteen yr. old prostitutes for identification. I haven't seen her, but I bet she looked of age. She looked old enough, to convince other men to break in his house.
