
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fathers Please, Explain It To Your Daughters

I have noticed something, I find very disturbing. I don't know if others feel this way. But I think it says something frightening about our fledgling society. Lately everytime a Stripper makes the news or gets national attention. Their fathers( if you want to call them that) come forward in defense, of their daughters occupation. What is this world coming to, when a man okays prostitution by his daughter. In the old days even the hardest Pimp, wouldn't turn his own daughter out. I would expect that from a mother( if you want to call them that). It's usually a sign of no real man being in their life. Not that I would expect that from the average woman. But women do anything to satisfy men. In addition to the fact, that a man can usually supply their wants. Or at least they think he can. If the mother is gullible, and weak. She will probably pass on that way of thinking, to her child. Like mother, like daughter. But that's not supposed to happen when there's a father, in the picture. He is supposed to be his daughters protector.

I'm all for supporting your children, and allowing them their freedom. But there is a limit on how far you should go. Lately these fathers come forward, after something bad has happened. Like their daughters have been raped,beaten up or robbed. There's no excuse, but that's goes with the territory. It's a little late, to play the concerned father role then. Where were you when she needed you most? When she needed fatherly guidance. Before she got involved with this life of corruption. The first excuse you'll usually hear, is they're grown and they will do what they like. If you have been a positive influence in your daughters life. She wouldn't come to you, expecting your support. She would be to embarrassed to let you know. A man should explain to his daughter what she, is worth. She is like a diamond, and should be treated as such. I know everyone isn't going to tell her that. That's why she should hear it from him. If she is going to hear it from any man. It should at least be from her father. Fathers please, explain it to your daughters.


  1. Common:

    You could not have given a viewpoint any more eloquently. FATHERS are the root to how their daughters develop and it begins with the MOTHERS. Mothers have to respect themselves so their daughters can witness how to be a woman. Mothers have to be strong for her daughters, by leaving their daughters father if he is disrespectful and abusive in any way. Just because their daughters’ father is the donor of the sperm, he is not always the man who could and will be fathers to their daughters.

    Too many women subject their daughters in a negative environment because they choose to stay with a man because of finances or they allowed themselves to be emotionally stripped to low self-esteem or respect.

    My girls were blessed to have my husband as their father and share the bond a daughter should have with a father. He filled the emotional support daughters need from a FATHER because their biological dad refuses to because he felt paying child support was his only responsibility to his daughters. Many men neglect their daughters emotionally when the mother of the child moves on. I thank God everyday for my present husband role in my daughters’ life as a FATHER. We need more of them.

    The other side of the coin of daughters becoming strippers is a personal choice. Most fathers do not know their daughters are stripping to make a living. However, for the ones that do and advocate it there are not enough words to describe them. It is more deplorable for old strippers to entice young woman into that world. It is heart breaking to see an intelligent young woman stripping to make a living.

    I know of one, I also know she came from a good family…an aging stripping aunt of hers recruited her into the business. Major fallout happened between the aunt, mother and father. I tried for years to encourage her to get out of that business. She chooses not to get out because of the money. You eventually have to accept stripping is the occupation she chooses. You are I may not understand why. As individuals, we can only encourage women who strip for a living to acquire another skill to fall back on. We must remind them their present occupation does not have a retirement plan. If they are not intelligent enough to finance the money, they cannot walk away from to be enough to live by when their bodies force them into retirement. They will become the old strippers recruiting the young woman, which is doing nothing but keeping the cycle going on how they became a stripper. It is a rewarding good deed to not look at them any less than we do ourselves, but encourage them respect themselves more and save the stripping for their husband.

    The young woman I am talking about received her degree in pharmacy, but for the moment, she is still traveling from city to city stripping. All we can do is pray for them to get out of that business before it is too late.

  2. Bishop,

    Until they grasp hold of that, it's going to continue to happen.

  3. Blinders-Off,

    You bring up some interesting points. Parents have no control, over what their children do. Once on their own. Except in rare occasions, the apple doen't fall far from the tree. It's not a matter of considering them less. But we shouldn't consider it, as an acceptable way of life either. If somebody chooses stripping over a lucrative profession. In my opinion that says something about their character. They've just gotten caught up in the lifestyle. Someone making the money you talk about, is the exception. Most of these women stripping for a living. In the long run, don't make that much money. How many old wealthy ex-prostitutes do you know? There is a lot of beautiful women. So the supply is plentiful. And many of them obviously willing to take their clothes off. A father going along with this, no matter how much money his daughter makes. Is a sign that our morals, have all but disappeared.

  4. Cordova TN,

    Unfortunately these are a lot of Girls lacking fatherly wisdom. And now those that do, have fathers that go along with this.
