
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Help Is Found In Hope

There is no way for sure now, that we can identify who gave the money. To save the financially troubled "Lemoyen Owen College". The institute with the distinction, of being the only HBC in Memphis. After this disclosure, they will remain anonymous. The anonymous donor will be known as the "Hope Christian Center". According to the way this thing is set up, now we don't have to know. The center has this option called "Donor Advised Funds". It allows you to control your donation, and receive all the benefits. Such as the tax write off, and designating the recipient. Without ever revealing your identity. It is the perfect arrangement for a situation such as this. One thing for sure it was a Christian foundation. So we know where the money came from, and it's intent. The Johnny come latelys won't be able to claim the victory. The donor that pledged the money, obviously was not in search of accolades. That's how I know the donor wasn't Black. I don't mean to sound stereotypical, but I couldn't let this slide. Everyone that gave $100 wanted to get on the radio. Not to mention the politicians. In the eleventh hour someone unknown came through. Now I understand the plan, it was of Christian design.

I knew it would happen, before it was over. Somebody would find fault, in who gave the money. Suddenly we have someone willing, to donate the money after the fact. So we don't actually know, if they were going to give the money or not. The donor gave stipulations on the gift. I can't really blame them, for their request. More people would have been willing to help out. Had they been given that option, in the first place. If they really had a donor they can still use them. There is still an unmatched pledge on the table, for one million dollars. Lemoyen Owen was six million dollars in debt. The initial contribution just paid expenses for June. The school could still use the help. Those who are critical of the contribution. Take issue with the fact, that it has stipulations. The phantom donor, I'm sure has stipulations as well. I bet it was contingent, upon certain people remaining in place. Lemoyen Owen has operated at a loss, for as long as I can remember. It has always been in financial trouble. The doors couldn't remain open due to student loans. No longer will they be able to buy enough time. To get the government money, secured by student grants and loans. For those who have been not good stewards, of the colleges money. No longer will the lack of accountability be accepted. If they want the help of the "Hope Christian Center". Checks and balances are going to be put in place.


  1. Blinders-Off,

    I sent you an e-mail. I'm going to have to send another. I must have used the wrong address.

  2. I did not receive it...I will put my email address back on my profile.
