
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Fly In The Buttermilk

I don't know whether Ron Redwing has noticed this or not. He may be in the wrong arena, to bring up color. The race card may not be appropriate in this instance. He is running for the congressional seat, in the 9th district. The incumbent, as well as some of his main opponents. Are shall we say, of a different hue. They may look more like White people than Black. I think Mr. Redwing may have done more damage to his campaign, than he did to help it out. I don't blame Ron Rewing for bringing it up, his campaign needed a shot in the arm. Anything to get him on television. That's about all it did.

If you tell the truth about the matter. According to the above photographs. Mr. Cohen is darker than some of his challengers. Not to mention the one, whose vacating the seat. If he thinks only a Black can represent this district. His brother disqualifies him, by boasting of their Indian bloodline. Steve Cohen will already get a majority, of the crossover vote. The Black vote will be split so many ways, the majority won't matter. People like myself aren't concerned with the candidates color. We focus on their ability, more than anything else. Ed Stanton III opened the can of worms, but soon left it alone. Now he is claiming "it doesn't make a difference". Probably after being given better advice by someone. Let me first say, this is not an endorsement of Mr. Cohen. I'm not one of his supporters. I think the lottery, was a bad thing for Tennessee. It could have something to do with the fact, that I don't gamble anyway. If I did I'd be happy, with Cohen's public service. I used to, so I understand the urge. If you are one of those many people. That want someone who provides constituent service. Steve Cohen is the best pick, for the job. From a strategic standpoint. Anything that causes ruffles in the race, is an advantage for Joe Ford Jr. He has the education and connections, and he is a Ford. The machine is still alive. Look at district 29. The only other person who might gain something from this. Has remained silent about the issue. Any people that might change their mind, about Steve Cohen. Would lean toward Julian Bolton.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM


    That was stupid on his part. He needed the publicity though. Ron hasn't even filed yet. I didn't realize that was Norman brother until Janis told me.

  2. Bishop,

    He hasn't filed yet, how is that possible? I thought the filing date had already passed. Norman is talking about them being siblings, Ron isn't talking about it though.

  3. Bishop,

    He isn't riding on Norman's popularity in the community. Everyone has his gift. What matters to some, doesn't to others. I don't share Norman's passion for the troubled youth. I'm just not feeling Norman's gift, and neither is his brother. I think he appeals to a different voter. One Ron isn't seeking, outside this comment. Wasn't he close friends with Micheal Hooks Jr. ?

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Norman is a self serving leach.I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

  5. Bishop,

    I know what you mean? A lot of people feel that way.

  6. Anonymous 12:26,

    Unless you're a superhero, you can't throw him very far. LOL
