
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shelby County Sheriffs Debate

I learned something new today, watching the Sheriffs candidate debate. After watching the program I found out. I wasn't aware, of exactly what the Sheriffs job description was. His primary responsibility is to maintain the jail, pass out warrants and provide security for the courts. They serve more as reinforcements, for the Memphis city police. And all the other surrounding cities like Bartlett, Collierville and Germantown. When it comes to patrolling the streets, and answering calls. Their primary role is back-up. They are responsible for the unincorporated areas also. The latest addendum added was "other duties as assigned". That was recently added, in this last term. My major concern at this point is the rising crime statistics, that's all across the board. So my major complaint doesn't lie with the Sheriff's office. Not at the onset anyway.

I'm glad Luttrell made that clear from the start. I'm sure I wasn't the only one mistaken. To some of those that listened, that may have been a deciding point. I think this debate really boiled down, to whether or not you were open-minded. Some people already had their mind made up, before the debate ever started. There were several points brought out, in last nights televised event. Many that could help you make up your mind, who to support. Afterwards the reporters said many undecided voters, had made up their minds. If they heard the same thing I did. I wonder what they decided? I know what I heard, and decided both.

They both addressed the same issues, that are always mentioned. With pretty much the same uniform answers, we've come to expect. Domestic violence and Juvenile crime, are hotbed issues. That are always going to come up, in any discussion of law enforcement these days. So I got nothing new, when it came to those concerns. They both fielded those questions with ease. Then it came to the point of moral turpitude. What they considered right and wrong. There were a couple of questions there, where Mr. French was shaky at best. I'm glad the Black panelist asked the question, and not Norm Brewer. So it can't be perceived as being racist. They both were accused of the same thing , in different situations. I have been following these stories from their beginning. Therefore I have a deeper insight than most local people. I follow these things consistently. There is a major difference, in some things done in the past. And having made restitution, and now being clean. And actively being part of the underworld right now. If you don't see the difference, that's where the problem begins. Another question came up about divesting ones interest, in present business ventures. Of course they said they would surrender them. Do you think they really will? I was disturbed to discover, that they really could do nothing about the problem we're facing right now. Based on what they can do, Sheriff Luttrell has done a fine job. At least he's kept his promises. We have yet to see, if Mr. French can do what he says. I noticed they both dodged the question that's first and foremost on my mind." What are their views on consolidation"? I guess that's a question any county official wants to ignore. It would be like shooting themselves in the foot. I did hear a new term they both used though "Functional Consolidation". I guess that's something where they got together and agreed. I think the debate was informative and interesting. It only served to prove what I already thought. Click on the link below and see the entire debate. Tell me what you think?


  1. I did not get a chance to see the debate because I have Direct. I will try to catch it on WREG Saturday. WREG stated they would have all the Sheriffs candidate...John Harvey is a candidate and he was not on the panel. Do you know why they excluded him? I already know he have an uphill battle to win, but as a write in candidate, he should have been invited to the debate so voters could form an opinion on all candidates seeking to be the next Shelby County Sheriff.

  2. Blinders-Off,

    I hope you get a chance to see the program. I think it will help you decide. You are very perceptive. Why didn't John Harvey run as an Independent? You can't hijack a party's support. No one is taking him serious. That's probably why he wasn't included. I have been told he has some good ideas. I'm beginning to wonder if he's a plant?

  3. Bishop,

    You said it I didn't. I don't disagree.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I don't trust Reginald French. He is slick though.

  5. Blinders-Off,

    I found a link that I posted, at the bottom of the article. When you have time, go back and look at your convenience. You can see the whole thing.

  6. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Thanks for the link.

  7. Common:

    I saw the debate today. Both appeared as season politicians...trying to answer a question without really committing to the real question. As an example, you said it in your post.

    "There is a major difference, in some things done in the past. And having made restitution, and now being clean. And actively being part of the underworld right now. If you don't see the difference, that's where the problem begins."

    Therefore, I cannot give my vote to either one of them. Although, writing in John Harvey's name as sheriff is or may be a wasted vote. I rather write in John Harvey's name as Sheriff because his qualifications as a 30 year law enforcer, creative plans in fighting crime, and raising funds from the people makes him the ethical choice with the way politics are today.

  8. Blinders-Off,

    I don't like either of the remaining candidates, as far as their crime platforms go. For the most part, neither of them have one. My initial choice "Captain Benny Cobb" lost in the primary. But after further investigation our concerns, may be misdirected. So all this talk about law enforement procedures, is really just talk. Even my choice was playing politics, in that respect. The sheriff's main resposibility, isn't crime in Memphis. His main job is managing the jail. Luttrell has done a good job with that. It boils down to whether you're going to depend on Luttrell to continue doing the job he has done. Or are you going to allow Reginald French the chance, to try his plans?

  9. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I'm leaning toward Sheriff Mark Luttrell.

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    You are exactly right. Voting Reginald French in office. Would amount to putting a weak gangster at the helm. He's like a Fredo.I know him personally.
