
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm Not Gay, I'm Just Not Normal

Oprah Winfrey has attained a level of success, beyond our wildest dreams. She is the only Black female Billionaire, in the world today. That's an unmatched feat in itself. That has nothing to do with her sexuality though. Just because she is successful in her profession, doesn't equate to her being successful in her daily life. A heterosexual woman, that doesn't have or want a man. And doesn't have children either. That doesn't make her Gay, but that does raise questions. Give me a break. If you're not Gay, you're up to something. Let's not start calling an unnatural lifestyle, simply a strong friendship. The two are definitely not the same. Let's not start promoting Oprah Winfrey's lifestyle, just because she's rich. There are several reasons for one to question her position. This is where I get caught though. She promotes the idea, that a woman doesn't need a man. Just because her and Gail don't. They have each other. That doesn't apply to everyone. The majority of heterosexual women need and want a man. If she doesn't, what is Steadman for? A lifetime partner is something she came up with. If you don't need a man personally, keep it to yourself. I know everyone is hoping for a car, or a pair of $200,000 earrings. I think Oprah has issues though.

In America we have a tendency to okay anything that we find profitable. Those who know that something is wrong here. Are scrambling for ways, to sweep it under the carpet. Now all of a sudden, it's not our business. When they encounter disgust and distaste, with homosexuality. They soon seem to forget, they brought it up in the first place. This reminds me of a story I read in school as a child. It was called "The Emperors New Clothes". It was about only a little boy having the courage, to tell the truth. Even though he sees, what everyone else does. Oprah has stated that it's alright to be in a Gay relationship. Regardless who says it, that's not right. Actually Oprah didn't say it, Gail did. But Oprah didn't correct her mistake. That's what we're experiencing here. Since it's okay with Oprah it must be alright. After all she's on television daily. Even though we admire her. Oprah doesn't have the ability to supersede the word of God.


  1. Puffs,

    You make some very interesting points. That might hold some weight, if Gail had a troubled childhood too. You could say they share their pain. But up until recently Gail had a man. I do think Oprah might be a homosexual, but I really don't care. What bothers me is her influence.

  2. Bishop,

    If you're not against them you're with them. It's called tacit approval.

  3. Bishop,

    Main Entry: 2neutral
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle French, from (assumed) Medieval Latin neutralis, from Latin, of neuter gender, from neutr-, neuter
    3 a : not decided or pronounced as to characteristics : INDIFFERENT b

    Main Entry: tac·it
    Function: adjective
    Pronunciation: 'ta-s&t
    Etymology: French or Latin; French tacite, from Latin tacitus silent, from past participle of tacere to be silent; akin to Old High German dagen to be silent
    2 a : implied or indicated but not actually expressed

    The problem is if you remain indifferent, they will imply it for you. That's what the homosexuals count on. You being quiet, or neutral as you call it.

  4. Bishop,

    It's very clear what I'm talking about. If you're against homosexuality, that's all you have to say. Whether or not you believe Oprah and Gail are gay, is your personal opinion. If they're not, it doesn't apply to them. I think they are though. I don't follow them around, looking for a fight. I don't lay down, when they come around either. Gail said if they were"She would have no problem saying it. Nothing is wrong with being gay". She was wrong, and anybody that feels that way is too. "Can you say Lukewarm"?

  5. Bishop,

    I'm sorry, I see I didn't explain my earlier post. I posted the two definitions to show the similarities.
