
Monday, July 17, 2006

Separation At St. Petersburg

I didn't know which facet of my argument to start with first. I guess my whole way of thinking as it were. Leads up to something like this happening. I did a very controversial lesson, in VBS last year. That started with our races inception. Back to the days of Noah, and his three sons. As I go on with this blog, it will come into play again. Though contrary to popular public opinion. I agree with President Bush's position, on the war in Iraq. We had to take the war to them, or have it brought to America. This ordeal further proves that the bible is always right. Americans should put themselves, in the place of the Israeli people. For those of us that are Christians. It could easily be us, being bombed and killed. In another time and place, like Germany for instance. Who is represented in the summit meeting, by the way. Just over sixty years ago. Had Hitler not been stopped, where would we be now? In my personal opinion. They are doing what America should have did, with O'sama Bin Laden. We should have struck back without hesitation. Then America would have been more accepting, of the war in Iraq. Some members of the summit think Israel over reacted. How were they supposed to react, while they were being attacked? Had they waited for France, Germany and Russia, to give them the go ahead. They would have been totally wiped out by then. If it wasn't for America having their back. The others would have jumped all over Israel, a long time ago. We already know where they're coming from, and what they're capable of doing. The terrorist and their followers condone everything. I can't prove it, but I think someone is behind them. Like maybe Syria or Iraq. Both of whom have issues by the way, with the United States. And are supporters of the Hezbollah too. Read the link below. See what Israel's conditions are. Which I think, are not unreasonable:

In a moment of frustration. Which I'm sure he's had many. The President was caught on tape, using an expletive. All of a sudden it's unbecoming of our Commander-In-Chief, according to some haters. Many of these people don't listen, to anything else he has to say. Why are they raking him over the coals now? He is no more the President today. Than he was yesterday. Or for the last almost six years, for that matter. I understand his frustration. I can feel his pain. It's as plain as the nose on your face. What is going on here? The Hezbollah is being used, to agitate America. Jumping on Israel unprovoked, is sure to bring America out. It's like jumping on someone's younger brother. The big brother is waiting in the wings. In case it gets out of hand. Somebody else tries to get involved. Israel is taking care of business on their own. Right now they don't need anybody else. One on one, they have the situation under control. It's the outside influences you have to worry about. The Group of Eight (G8) consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Have you noticed that none of the present troublemakers, are included in the meeting? The issue came up, while having a discussion yesterday. The heaviest populated areas of the earth. Weren't even included in the summit. No one is there, from the continents of Africa or Asia. It isn't about the number of people, but the power they possess. Remember I mentioned Noah in the beginning? Here it is again. Read the following scripture.

Genesis 10

25And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.

26And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

27God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

The power structure hasn't changed. If you follow the lineage of the different brothers Ham, Shem and Japeth. You will find that the prophecy of Noah hasn't changed. Everything is pretty much the same, as it was then. The power is still broken down along those lines. The leader of America is always included, in whatever is taking place. If they leave America out, it's under the table. It's sinister in it's design. The President is aware of this, and gets tired understandably. Look at the video below. Hear what Mr. Bush said for yourself.


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Bishop I have to agree with you on that.

    On 9-1-1, after being told by his entourage; why was he still trying to read a book, which was upside down to little black children instead of trying to see what was going on in NYC and at the Pentagon. Oh but that is your definition of perfect. Common you know I love you but some of your comments are way out in left feild.

  2. They have found Iranian, Russian and Syrian missles shot at Israel. What does that tell you?

  3. Bishop,

    I would expect this from somebody else, but not you. The President is a man, just like you and me. I don't know about you, but I am capable of cussing. I would guarantee Bishop G. E. Patterson has before, if not lately. Should he not use profanity? Of course not, but he did. What does that have to do with the Hezbollah bombing Israel? Instead of cussing. I wish he had dropped a bomb. What would you say then. That's what he was required of him. To protect his country, which includes Israel.

  4. Anonymous 2:58,

    I love you also, but talk about being in left field. Again I ask you, what does that have to do with the Hezbollah? The bombing of the twin towers was a surprise. What do you propose that he should have done? Sometimes the complaint is he moved to fast. Now you're saying he moved to slow. You can't have it both ways. Which is usually how Bush haters want it

  5. Bishop,

    No harm intended, just trying to make an example. I could have used my pastor, but you might not have recognized him. My point was nobody is perfect.
