
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Should We Leave A Lawless Land ?

When we look at the fact that the people of Iraq are killing each other. The Sunnis and the Shihites, are behaving like rival gangs.One would come to the conclusion. If we left these people alone. They would self destruct without our help. Why are we in another land protecting other people from themselves? If we were to just, to pack up and leave. Do you actually think they would be satisfied with only killing themselves? That would only give them confidence. Consider the nature of the beast. If we sit back and watch their carnage of each other. What would prevent them from spreading to this country? It's not by accident. That we haven't experienced battle on American soil.

The streets of Baghdad resembled the Wild, Wild, West this past Sunday. Sunni Insurgents went through the streets rounding up Shihites. Blindfolding those detained, and shooting them. These atrocities were being performed, all in the name of Allah. What kind of God is that? Definitely not one who is fair and just. And surely not one we could trust. If we as Americans sit idly by while this happens. It's just a matter of time, before it hits home. Imagine riding along and being taken from your car at the stoplight. In this country that's against the law. We call it carjacking and murder. It matters not what a cleric says. For the sake of freedom that we enjoy here in America. To ensure it's future and preservation. We cannot afford to leave this lawless land.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I don't know, it kinda reminds me of North and South Memphis...

    And Hickory Hill..

    And Binghamton...


  2. Anonymous 8:37,

    That's an interesting analogy. Everyone in those areas, aren't deserving of what they've ended up with. Especially a lot of those in Hickory Hill. They thought they were getting away. That's why they moved there to start with. We shouldn't be running away. It should be the criminals instead.

  3. Common:

    I understand what you are saying. The reality of the situation in Iraq is our soldiers are in the middle of a civil war between the Sunnis and Shihites. The unnecessary job of American soldiers was to liberate Iraq from Sadaams’s control, train a new Iraq army, and stay until an Iraq government was established. It is past the time to bring the soldiers home.

  4. Blinders Off,

    So you think we should just pack up and leave?

  5. Common:

    At this point, we cannot pack up and leave immediately, but we must start the process to get our troops out of there before the civil war between the Sunnis and Shiites escalate further. Iraq government is formed and they have a sizeable army to be out front. As our troops start to exit in phases, the new government of Iraq would be more credible.

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Blinders Off I think that's what they trying to do now. Are you sure you can see?

  7. Anon: 12:29

    You could have kept the sarcasm. I will believe it when see the process start.
    Posted on Fri, Jul. 14, 2006
    80-plus Kentucky Guard members head for Iraq
    Local soldiers prepare for Iraq deployment
    4th Personnel Services Detachment Unit shipping out
    LATHAM, July 14
    Dozens of National Guard soldiers are leaving the Capital Region to support the war on terror.
    About 48 members of the 4th Personnel Services Detachment Unit are being deployed to Iraq.
    The unit is made up of administration specialists and support staff.
    Friday is packing day in Latham. On Sunday, a formal departure ceremony will be held.
    The unit will receive their mobilization training at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.
    Last Updated: Fri Jul 14 12:16:00 EDT 2006
