
Sunday, August 06, 2006

In A Nutshell

I would like to say this Republican administration, has done nothing specifically for Blacks. I don't think they have introduced any legislation, designed just for Black citizens. As well they shouldn't have anyway. But they have done a lot, that Blacks can benefit from. Just like anyone else that chooses to take advantage, of the various programs available. Home ownership is a good thing, in it's proper perspective. Liberals try to play down the importance of this achievement. Mostly because it has taken place , under this administAnything that helps people own property. Is a good thing in itself. The entitlement mentality many people have, reinforces renting. Once you've worn something out. Just move to the next designated place in line. It leaves it up to the government to provide adequate housing. In my opinion, the other part that's equally as important. Is with ownership comes responsibility. If you own it, you're responsible for it's maintenance. Since the government doesn't provide the upkeep. To some it's a hard sale.

Another subject sure to come up is the "No child left behind" program. It is a favorite target of Liberals. They are quick to to say the program was underfunded. They somehow always overlook the fact. It's working for those new to the system. First through third graders are responding positively. They scored higher in achievement tests, than ever in history. In my opinion that's a major feat. As far as those children who aren't learning the basics. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. People that have gone through twelve years of school, and haven't learned anything. Has more to do with that individual. Than it does the system in place. We cannot come up with a solution, that's going to take care of everyone. We just have to do what's best, for the majority.

The fight against terrorism doesn't pick favorites. It affects all of us equally. When a bomb explodes, it doesn't check identifications. If you're in the area, you're going to get blown to pieces. No one is in Iraq, that didn't volunteer. I think it's your duty, to follow through on a contract. If you're in the armed services you agreed to fight, in case of war. We shouldn't encourage not keeping your word. If there's a way out. That seems to be an accepted practice these days. When the going gets rough, get going yourself. If we as Blacks feel we shouldn't fight, if this country goes to war. What claim do we have, when the fightings over? To the victors go the spoils. You have to participate to be a victor.

There are two sides to every story. Those who disagree with me, have just as many arguments as I do. Unfortunately it's true what they say about opinions. Just like noses, everybody has one. I think my positions make more sense than theirs. But again that's my opinion. Thank God we live in a Democracy, or some say Represenative Republic. If you can convince the most people to see thiI heard yesterday what I thought summarized the differences quite well. This is what was said:

Liberals fight for rights, Conservatives fight for values.


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I think most of your readers are liberals. This is a very good post. If they haven't read it they should.

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You are quite correct. I'm a regular reader and I'm not. This is a good post. Let's encourage Common.
