
Monday, August 07, 2006

Babies Need To Be Like Fish

I was thinking about what animal is born, being able to care for themselves. All of the animals I thought of required some nurturing. Some more than others, but all to some degree. All except the fish. From the moment they hatch, they must know how to swim. The birds have to learn how to fly. The primates have to learn to climb. Beast of the open field, have to learn to run. After learning the basics. In the wild, if they want to eat. Then they must learn to hunt. All free animals must learn to do this at some point. In order to survive.

In light of what we've been experiencing lately. Mothers can no longer be expected to have motherly instinct. You better provide enough for them both. If you don't, the child will possibly do without. Unfortunately human babies aren't born like baby fish. They are totally dependent on others just to live. We have to feed, cloth and shelter them. By law for at least eighteen years. With temperatures hovering around 100 degrees. Twice babies have been left in locked cars. I'm a full grown man, even I can't stand this heat. How could a mother possibly think, her five month old babies would be alright. In a car locked up with the windows cracked. Another thing is, how could you carry a baby, for nine long months? And not know you were pregnant? What about missed cycles and morning sickness? You have to gain a little weight. If by chance you didn't know. When you discharged something with arm, legs and feet. I would say that's an indication. Thank goodness our great-great grandmothers, didn't think that way. On second thought, didn't think at all. We would be in an awful fix.

Since the way babies are born isn't likely to change. We have to alter our thinking. There should be no excuse, for someone who misuses a baby. By that I mean someone who doesn't care to be responsible. You can give a baby away with no questions asked. Why would you choose to abuse them? Some things you do because you don't know any better. Others because you just don't care. For those of us who do. We know the difference. When the latter is determined. You should be dealt with accordingly.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Unfortuanly, we have a number of "Brood Mares" in the Memphis area that pop out children like popcorn, and think nothing of it.

    Care ? Certainly. The governemtn will provide a check to take care of them. And if I have more, I get even MORE checks.

    GREAT idea !!!

    Wonder why so many children are raised by the Grandparents ?

    Wonder why so much of the crime in Memphis is caused by young people ?

    Its simple, the "Daddy" is no were to be found, and the "Momma" simply do not care..

    Its a DAMN shame...

  2. Anonymous 3:14,

    It's because our babies are having babies. You can't teach what you don't know.

  3. Bishop,

    Thanks for the compliment. I always consider you, a conservative that hasn't admitted it yet. Sometimes Mr.T annoys me, with all that foolishness. I know it's talk radio, and everyone has an opinion. We spend to much time on stupid stuff, if you ask me. Everything isn't funny.I don't know what show you were listening too, but they all are guilty. Look at the boss, Bobby O'Jay. I guess they're just doing what they're paid to do. I did a round robin, so I don't know which show you're talking about. I know you are a spiritual man, and in your heart you believe you are right. I know you don't agree with a lot of what Democrats uphold. Yet you still claim to be one. I know eventually your faith will take over. From that point it's just academic. Like it was with me.

  4. In the Raleigh area of Memphis. Another baby was left behind an air conditioner last night. A six year old boy discovered the newborn.
