
Saturday, August 12, 2006

There Is Only So Much Pie

Even though I think this would be stretching it a bit, anything is possible. I think the best candidate in the Democratic primary (Julian Bolton) didn't win. He didn't even finish in the top three. After eliminating twenty something other candidates. The votes have been tallied. Now we have what I think is simply jumping from the frying pan, to the skillet. The race for the 9th congressional seat has boiled down to Steve Cohen (Dem), Jake Ford (Indp)and Mark White (Rep). Unfortunately my choice probably won't win, but stranger things have happened. I don't even strongly support my candidate. I don't know enough about who he is and what he's about.

What would make this race interesting is if the vote was split equally like in the pie chart. Then the winner of the race would be whoever won the undecided voter. Many people are going to support Steve Cohen, for three different reasons. He has been in public service for almost thirty years, for one. He is a familiar face both here, and in the house. He knows his way around the legislature. He has been effective at getting his causes recognized. Secondly he delivered the state lottery. Which required changing the law. Gambling in any form was illegal. Anyone singing his praises for that feat. Can't be critical of him now. Thirdly he is a Democrat.

Then we have the wild card candidate. In the form of candidate Jake Ford. The younger brother of Harold Ford Jr. The biggest thing about his canidacy, is the element of surprise. He doesn't have a platform. He just agrees with the Democrats. Considering the race he's running in, that's a safe position. He doesn't have a record of service. He has never held public office. But neither had his older brother. Who has held the job for the last 11 years. Anything having to do with local politics. If Blacks and Whites are both involved, it's going to have the race card played. For all those people who wouldn't vote for a White person, under any circumstance. And believe you me, they have some. Now they can vote for Jake Ford. And keep a clean conscious. Last but certainly not least. He is a member of the Ford family. In Memphis that carries a considerable amount of weight. Someone won the Democratic nomination in another race, solely on mistaken identity. It's going to be a factor. Just how much remains to be seen.

Then we have Mark White, of whom I've never heard of before. At least he has the right platform. He talks a good game if nothing else. He offers a welcome alternative, to the other two candidates. If you're against same-sex marriage and partial birth abortion. I won't add gambling. I don't know his position on that. I agree with all his positions, that he's stated so far. I don't think issues will be very big, in this congressional race. This thing is going to be driven by emotion and prejudice. One good thing about him receiving the Republican nomination. He doesn't have to share the vote. He will get all of the conservative vote, all by himself. I've done the numbers ,and even all the Republicans votes added together. Don't add up to the votes Mr. Cohen received earlier. Since Mr. Ford didn't participate in the primary races. We don't know how he will factor, in this whole thing. He will be the deciding factor though. I'm not so happy with the recent crop of people, calling themselves Independents. I don't want it to become a haven, for agitators and loosers. They are the ones who will decide the winner, of this race. It will largely depend on why they're claiming to be Independent. It will be interesting to see, who gets the biggest slice of pie.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Jake Ford is not an Independent.

  2. Anonymous 1:28,

    I agree that he isn't a Independent. At first it was considered a cop-out, to call yourself such. All of a sudden everyone wants to claim the designation.
