
Monday, August 28, 2006

Let's Get Serious Before It's Too Late

I was listening to Mr. Pat Buchannon (former presidential candidate). In regards to the looming immigration issue. I agree with a lot of what he said. I don't agree with everything he says though. His positions tend to be a bit extreme. That may be just what we need. The desperate times we're experiencing now, require desperate measures. At the rate it's going now. We won't make it much longer. Not a chance of making it to 2050, as predicted by Mr. Buchannon. He says we will have totally lost the culture and language in the west by then. He could be on to something. We may not have needed Pat Buchannon in 2000, but we might need him now. There is a rising spirit of leniency in our community. We want to forgive and condone too much. Breaking the laws already in place. Shouldn't be a means of getting around the guidelines. Because you illegally cross the border and have a baby, shouldn't make that child a citizen. We should close them up, and send them back. This man isn't a Johnny come-lately, like many people are. His arguments are old and seasoned. From time spent in the trenches. I like his position on the borders. Go to the link below and learn more. They have articles dating back to October 2001.