
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kathryn Bowers Resigns

Ms. Kathryn Bowers did what I think she should have done, a long time ago. If you ask me, it's long overdue. She resigned from her state representative district 33 post yesterday, due to supposed health reasons. She stated high blood pressure, heart problems and a recent life threatening auto accident. As reasons for giving up her elected position. I think that's just an excuse myself. She was going to be found guilty anyway. She was indicted in the Tennessee Waltz scandal. For taking monetary bribes. I think she will still be able to receive a pension from the state. She has been in public service for over 12 years. She just won a bid for re-election hands down. She got more votes than all her opponents put together. I hope the public isn't saddled with the cost of another election. I think the person who received the second largest number of votes, should automatically win. We'll have to wait and see how this thing plays out. That will be after she's gone. She won't be around.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    How did she get elected to office,when the voters knew she was guilty?

  2. Bishop,

    She will be convicted of fraud. What ever happens in regards to the Democratic nominee for District 29, won't affect her.

  3. Anonymous 7:16,

    It just shows the voter apathy.
