
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Things We Won't Do For Love

I can't say that I'm surprised, that Warren Steed Jeffs was caught. His reason for doing what he does, or his lifestyle. It could be misconstrued as being chauvinistic. The latest report accuses him of being a child molester, both boys and girls. I'm not sure I believe that. I don't think that many mothers would stand by quietly. While there children were being molested. There would be more complaints.That claim might be based on sour grapes. It was made by an ex-wife. A former polygamist herself. The newness of being the latest young wife, no doubt had worn off. Some would consider him a zealot of sorts. I have even heard him compared to Adolph Hitler. Though I wouldn't say that myself. I wouldn't disagree with anyone who did. He claims he does what he does. Based on his religious convictions. He has a reported forty wives, and about sixty children. That reason could be true to some degree, but not completely. I think it strokes his ego as well. When I first saw his picture. He looked just like I would expect him to look. A plain and simple little man. Except he doesn't wear glasses. At least not in this picture. In some cases it adds a bit of flair. Which might be a small improvement. I think it would be a totally different story. If he resembled someone like Brad Pitt, K-Fed or George Clooney. Men are envious of other men, especially with acquired power. This little man is a giant among men. In an arena of his creation. He is surrounded by unbiased, untouched young women (virgins). Based on his religious power. The only men they know of, are other men like him. Extremist Muslim young men are committing suicide, for the same priviledge. With the sudden rise in STDs and teenage pregnancy. Along with our school and welfare systems, running over with fatherless children. It makes a case for this kind of thinking. A man shouldn't bite off more than he can chew. He can only have as many wives as he can support. That would eliminate most promiscuous lifestyles, in itself. But no one is wealthy and wise as King Solomon was, and he had a weakness. I don't think there is any accusation of incest, or physical abuse. Just former members, who no longer want to participate. Who obviously don't like what they have to choose from. When found to have ulterior motives. New members have been kicked out. So it doesn't seem to be some sex slave organization. Concerned with building a following. I just think it is a way a group of average people, have come up with to bring about man-made equity. Unfortunately when given the freedom of making their own choice. Many people make the wrong one. That's the thing about man taking destiny in his hands. Someone is going to be slighted. But wait isn't that Gods way too? That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Matthew 5:45
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

His capture was front page news. Click on the link below. Read the whole story:


  1. Anonymous 7:13,

    I haven't heard anymore about this. He was locked up, he's probably out now.

  2. Today I watched the Montell Williams show, and his coverage of Warren Jeffs. I unfortunately didn't know it started yesterday. I didn't catch it all,but I caught enough to have some questions. Not only questions, but I have some concerns also.

    First let me say I don't agree with everthing he does. Some of his actions are clearly self serving. So much so that some are illegal. I do understand why he is wanted, if it's true. That's a big if in my opinion. The big if being, if it's true? So far all I have heard complain, is a lot of malcontents. Many who may, or may not have got their wishes. Some are just crying over spilled milk. They haven't fared well outside the faith,for various reasons. So they want to be compensated.

    For some reason the authorities have been unable to capture this man until recently. Mainly because of a lack of citizen involvement. The people don't want him caught. He is their leader. They choose this lifestyle. When you look at their society, you can see the benefits. The reason they can't find anything, is because there is nothing to find.

  3. Dozens of girls removed from West Texas polygamist compound
    Saturday, April 5, 2008

    ELDORADO, Texas -- Child welfare officials are scrambling to find foster homes for dozens of girls removed from a secretive West Texas religious retreat built by polygamist leader Warren Jeffs after a 16-year-old living there complained of physical abuse.

    Officials from Texas Child Protective Services, escorted by state troopers, took 52 girls, ages 6 months to 17 years, from the remote retreat on Friday afternoon.

    By the end of the day, 18 were put legally into state custody, and CPS spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner said interviews would continue Saturday. A warrant has been issued for at least one individual.

    The girls put in state custody were believed to be in danger, Meisner said. "Those are the ones we believe have been abused or they are in imminent risk of harm, and it would not be safe for those children to remain in the compound," she said.

    Child welfare officials were looking for foster homes for the girls, most of whom have rarely been outside the insular world of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They were being housed for now at a civic center, she said.

    "We're dealing with children that aren't accustomed to the outside world, so we're trying to be very sensitive to their needs," Meisner said.

    The investigation began with a call Monday alleging physical abuse of a 16-year-old girl living there, Meisner said. Authorities first arrived at the compound Thursday evening. They interviewed and searched through the night.

    On Friday, a search warrant and arrest warrant were issued.

    The search warrant sought records dealing with the birth of children to a 16-year-old and any records listing a marriage between a 50-year-old man and the girl, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times, which cited court records released late Friday in Tom Green County.

    The individual listed in the arrest warrant had not been located by Friday evening, said Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Tela Mange. She said she could not reveal whose name was on the warrant.

    The ranch covers roughly 1,700 acres. It is north of this two-stoplight town, down a narrow paved road. Authorities blocked access to the compound's gate, keeping onlookers miles away.

    State officials said they did not know how many people lived at the retreat, but local officials in 2006 put the number at about 150, as members of the reclusive church moved from a community on the Arizona-Utah line.

    The congregation, known as FLDS, has been led by Jeffs since his father's death in 2002. It is one of several groups that split from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, based in Salt Lake City, decades after it renounced polygamy in 1890.

    In November, Jeffs was sentenced to two consecutive sentences of five years to life in prison in Utah for being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old girl who wed her cousin in an arranged marriage in 2001.

    In Arizona, Jeffs is charged as an accomplice with four counts each of incest and sexual conduct with a minor stemming from two arranged marriages between teenage girls and their older male relatives. He is jailed in Kingman, Ariz., awaiting trial.

    The Eldorado retreat, about 160 miles northwest of San Antonio, is on a former exotic game ranch. The church bought the property in 2004 for $700,000 and began an ambitious construction program anchored by an 80-foot-tall, gleaming white temple.
