
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Don't Sit Down Yet, We're Still Dancing

The Tennessee Waltz is knocking down elected officials like dominoes. I know the suspense must be killing those who haven't been indicted yet. We have already been forewarned, of some indictments that lay ahead. We citizens don't know who it is yet. But the guilty parties know who they are. But I've learned from past experiences. "That birds of a feather, flock together". If you want to catch the other rats. Snoop around the den. The others will eventually show up, sooner or later. You are sometimes labeled as being guilty by association. That being the case. All of these people pictured, better be worried sick. I know some of them have taken money. They just haven't got caught, or at least been revealed yet. The FBI seems to have an awful lot of videotape. Everybody except Roscoe Dixon has pleaded guilty. There are some surprises in store for some of us, but not for those who are guilty. They already know who they are. It's just a matter of time.

I have pictured a couple of people, of which I have suspicions. That doesn't mean anything. Just a hunch I have. It will be interesting to see, if they are included in future indictments. I think there will be some more indictments, on the city school board also. We'll just have to wait and see. Pictured above are (Top left) Rep. Larry Miller D-88, (Top Right)Rep. Ulysees Jones D-98, (Bottom Left) Joe Towns Jr. D-84, (Bottom Right) Henri Brooks D-92. Just remember my predictions.


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    It is rumored that Larry Miller is messing around with Katherine Bowers. If that's true he was taking the money. I beleive he was.

  2. Maybe he'll help her make it through these trying times. I don't believe that rumor though. She just probably is infactuated with him. They were just stealing together. We'll find out sooner or later.
