
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Talk About Grateful

The first thing that came to my mind, was an incident with my younger brother. I think he was right about what he said. But I don't think he was right, the way he handled the situation. He refused to pay the bill, beyond what he had eaten. Thank goodness in this case. The manager in charge, just left it alone. We shouldn't do something we disagree with. Then want to change the rules already agreed to, after the fact. I agree with what he said, but not with what he did. If push came to shove, he could've been arrested. After 10pm a 15% gratuity, is automatically added to your bill. That's clearly printed on the menu. You can't say you didn't see it, it's posted clear as day. I have no problem with that to a point. But I give them a tip anyway. If they provide me with good service, it's only fair. My wife is the big tipper in our family. She usually gives them more than they deserve.

The problem that usually arises. Waiters and waitresses fall slack on their jobs. Since they get a tip automatically, they don't work for your approval. If someone is automatically going to receive a tip. You shouldn't have to look for them, when you need them. Like you often have to do. In restaurants who have this policy. On the other hand I've seen whole families, run a poor server ragged. Get up from the table, and not leave them a dime. I believe in fair compensation, based on level of service. If they do a good job, they should be rewarded accordingly. That's the way the tip system works. The story below blows all rules out the water. Read below, what happened to a bartender.