
Friday, September 01, 2006

When It Finally Rains, It Pours

Just the other day Rep. Kathryn Bowers. Was talking about her long record of service, to the Memphis community. She claims a history in politics, for over forty years. Obviously the voters were swayed, by her effort to fight the establishment. She refused to resign her post. Even though she appeared to be guilty. She acted as though nothing had happened. I guess to a degree her plan worked. They voted her back into office overwhelmingly, even with her scheduled court appearance. Before the ink could dry, on her latest apology. Here she is in trouble again. Night before last she was charged with DUI, after sideswiping a UPS truck. She didn't take a breathalyzer test. So they can't say it was alcohol. She was transported to the hospital. The test was performed there. Now they're saying it was prescription drugs. What did you expect though?

I don't mean to kick a person, when they're down and out. But all of this is after the fact. All this has come to light, after the E-Cycle investigation. These latest newsflashes have nothing to do, with her taking the bribes. I'm sure all these ailments, didn't just pop up yesterday. Are they simply being used to divert attention, from the real issue. Maybe she should have been more corncerned with her health earlier. Than she was, with trying to steal. I thought she looked sickly anyway. If she hadn't been to the doctor, she should have. I think this may be a ploy to play, on the Judges sympathy. I think it's just a matter of reaping what you sow. No matter how long the sun might be shining. When it rains it pours.


  1. The DUI chargesm have been dropped. I'm getting conflicting stories. The Judge wants more information regarding the toxicology report. If the charges were dropped, why is he inquiring? I suspect politics here.
