
Monday, September 18, 2006

Disappearing Workers

Here is an exaggerated example, of what is happening all around the country. After the mass protest staged by Hispanics in March, see ( We shouldn't be surprised. The city in Georgia was mainly supported, by the poultry industry. Immigrant workers seem to dominate the chicken trade. It's hard, honest work that doesn't pay a lot. Here we have a classic example, of our country's dilemma. They fill undesirable jobs, as well as become consumers. A certain segment of our community. Have become dependent, on the economy they provide. In addition to those that just benefit. They buy beer and cigarettes. Not to mention clothes and food. Many of the immigrants are illegal, but all of their money is green.

Read the link below for the news story:


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    This is another one.
