
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is That Why They Turned Out To Be A Headache

I started on this story right after the anniversary of 9/11, but I just got around to finishing it today. It came abruptly back to mind this morning. When I heard someone talking about the acceptance of prewar intelligence. The fact that everyone that had a vote, believed what the CIA said. Is more than just a coincidence. It's the only thing they had to consider. Hindsight is 20/20, it's easy to say what we should have done. The Democrats want to dump the Iraqi war, at the feet of the Bush administration. How soon we forget what happened in 2000. Under the Bill Clinton administration, in regards to terrorist attacks. The "Twin Towers" bombing, wasn't the first time it happened. There were at least two other warnings. For this blog we'll address this one.

It appears in retaliation, to the USS Cole bombings. The only thing that America done,was bomb an aspirin factory. That might appear to be somewhat sensational to some. That's just calling a spade a spade. Those who know the real deal, would have to concur. In all honesty it's the truth. That may not be the totality of our response to terrorism. Until the president sent troops to Afghanistan. That's all we as Americans have, that's noted or recorded. If we really want to know the truth, it started long before 9/11. Read the link below to find out exactly what happened


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Your titles are deceiving. You have to read the blogs. Good story.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    This is very timely blog. Bill Clinton is talking about this now. More people need to read this.
