
Monday, September 11, 2006

It's Only Fair

In light of the resignation of Kathryn Bowers, from her senate seat(district 33). A replacement will be chosen to take her place. Instead of just choosing the person who received the second highest number of votes. In this case Steven Webster. He received over 2500 votes, in the Democratic primary. It will be decided by 37 board members, of the local Democratic party.That sounds like purely politics. If the Democrats are at all concerned with credibility. They will do the right thing. Let's see if they rise to the occasion.

Check out his site:


  1. They didn't rise to the occasion as usual. They don't seem to be concerned with fairness. They didn't elect Mr. Webster. They selected Reginald Tate. Who earlier also ran for the Charter Commission, amd lost. Something smells fishy.

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Votes went this way:
    Gill (5)
    Stanton (10)
    Tate (18)
    Steve Webster (0)
    John Brown (0)
