
Monday, September 11, 2006

For Conspiracy Theorist

In my opinion it's totally absurd, to think the 9/11 bombings were planned by the present administration. Are some people so consumed with hate for George W. Bush? They have abandoned all logic and reasoning? How could you get all these people to go along with such a sinister plan of destruction? This catastrophe had far reaching effects. Not just those who were killed immediately, but the family and friends left behind. In order to pull this off. Someone, somewhere would have raised a fuss. This was not a one man operation. I am not an expert myself. But neither are most of the people, that buy into this conspiracy madness. I couldn't begin to break their arguments down intellectually. It brings to mind the saying" For those who don't believe, no explanation is good enough. For those who do, no explanation is needed". I'm not prepared to invest that kind of time myself. Someone has done that for us below. Read what they have to say regarding, what they call myths. Go to the link below: