
Monday, September 11, 2006

Tragedy Remembered

Today is the anniversary of one of the most tragic days in American history. On the day of 9/11, 2001. The "Twin Towers" were bombed by Islamic terrorist. It was like a page taken from a science-fiction movie. I watched the whole thing on television. Unfortunately it was very real. Those people against the war would say, "Iraq has nothing to do with the bombing". That may be true to a degree, but not totally. I say anyone involved with the training, or sanctuary of these terrorist. Is a place that needs to be stamped out. We as a superpower, should do anything within our power. To bring this to a halt.Take a look at the link below, in case you need a reminder:


  1. I agree.
    I also think the world must not allow Iran to gain nuclear weapons capability. They outright refer to us as "the great satan". Soon after they go nuclear, we can expect an attack (either before or after they go for Israel, whom they have said should be 'wiped off the face of the map'). People here need only to listen to what they are saying over there. 9.11 has proven there are those there that will attack us with whatever means they can. I am scared. Iran + Nukes = begin Armageddon.
