
Monday, September 25, 2006

A Little Late Wouldn't You Say

I'm not particularly a fan of Bill Clinton. I think he is a brilliant man, but morally bankrupt to some degree. He is only a man, born to make mistakes. So I don't hold his falling short of glory against him. But not when the whole world is watching you. As a president of the United States, he is held to a higher standard. When caught with your hands in the cookie jar, you have to pay the baker. That just proves, it goes for everyone. People are quick to say "he's not the first man to get caught". That may be true, but he was the first president.

He could have went a long way toward redeeming himself. Had he revealed his inactivity regarding terrorism before now. He is just now saying, what supporters of George Bush have known all the time. All this time people have been praising him like some demagogue. When he has been lying to the American public all along. Ironically I wrote a story about this just a couple of days ago. Now the issue has hit the news. ABC showed a made for T.V. move that chronicled the events of 9/11. Clinton and his compadres did everything they could , to keep it off the air. I always say "this president will look better, after he's gone". This is just the first of truths, to eventually come out of many. In the link below. See what he had to say.