
Monday, September 25, 2006

The Other Race

Here in Memphis we have become so engulfed in the race for the 9th congressional seat. We tend to overlook the Tennessee Senate race. That's an even bigger slice of the pie. There are only 100 senators, compared to 435 congressman. Remember when they only needed one Senator, to contest the election of 2000. They couldn't get the one that they needed. They're not just going to give this power to anyone. Thank God they won't. Like the candidate Harold Ford Jr., Memphians just take for granted he has this area on lock. It may boil down to whoever wins, their district. They have to win their particular stomping ground. The area where they are known. I know their are several people in Memphis, that won't support Ford. Even though they're faithful Democrats. Their are probably some in Chattanooga that feel the same way about Corker. Even though they're staunch Republicans. My guess is you will see more of the forementioned, than you will the latter.

I have found these three videos of Sen. Bill Frist, Harold Ford Jr. and Bob Corker. The man vacating the job, and those wanting to take his place. I think these three videos give a synopsis of who they are, and what they're about. It doesn't tell you everything about them. It gives you a place to start though. Look at them and see what you think.