
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Passion Or Pay

We can't expect our teachers to work for substandard pay. All educators should make an above average living. In my opinion, it's like the hand that rocks the cradle. In all instances we have to provide an education for our children. Especially those that want to learn. Like it or not, even those that don't. When we look back over history. Those entrusted with our education, have never been adequately compensated. Thank God knowledge is power. It has it's greatest impact, when it's shared with others.

I was in support of the teachers, and I still am to some degree. I didn't like the sixteen day walkout. I guess the end justifies the means. They got what they wanted. You can't ask them to take a cut in pay. When they should be getting an increase. At worst we should be asking them, to wait on their raise. I think they had a valid argument, based on pay alone. I heard several protestors say it was about the children. When you want to convince the public of something. Just say it's for the children. That will usually do the trick. Had the teachers been concerned about the welfare of the children. The teachers wouldn't have refused to go to work. Was this situation driven by passion for teaching, or a rise in personal pay? For me the truth would be an adequate explanation.

Read the news story below: