
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

It seems Anna Nicole Smith, has reached another lowpoint. Her son Daniel Wayne Smith, was found dead. In a hospital room, while visiting her in the Nassau, Bahamas. Only two days after she gave birth, to her newborn daughter. Seems like Anna is always going through something. Her most popular episode in the public eye, is her marriage to 88 yr. old Billionaire J. Howard Marshall. For those that don't remember. She was only 26, at the time. The court battle between her and his son R. Pierce Marshall, has remained in litigation for nearly ten years. In the midst of all this trouble she found a silver lining. She was the subject of her own popular reality show. It didn't win any Emmy's for acting or anything. It made her a household name though. She was later allowed to pursue the estate of her husband. After his son Pierce Marshall, was declared the sole heir. He died this past June, at the age of 67. Get the full story at the link below:,6115,1013308_3305120_0_,00.html

I guess the title of the post, really applies to her weight. She has experienced one of the most miraculous weight losses, I've ever seen. One day she was overweight, the next time I saw her. She looked like a model again. I'm sure Trimspa's stock skyrocketed, as a result. She has been appointed the company spokesperson. Go to the website and read their tribute:

In the latest episode she has lost her only child, until the recent birth. As soon as something good takes place, in her life. It seems something equally as bad happens. Her life is like someone doing aerobics. One step up,and one step down. This just goes to prove in the words of Sean Puffy Combs, "Money Ain't A Thang". When the bell tolls, your wealth doesn't matter. Foul play hasn't been ruled out in his death. In any event, a priviledged life has ended. Read below to get a more indepth account.

With the way things are going now. What will happen next? From all this hardship, she should get a message. I don't know if she is a spiritual person. If not, it won't dawn on her. When we think we are getting away with something. Often the payback is not worth the price. What goes up, must come down.


  1. Bishop,

    I feel sorry for Ms. Smith also. Losing a child is something that doesn't seem fair. It may not be payback, but could it be her fault. Has she lived a good life before him? What goes around, comes around.You reap what you sow. It's true that God allows trials. He is true to his word as well. If you are disobedient, there is a price to pay. The enemy has already had a playday with her. That could be why she is going through this. I don't mean to be the bearer of bad tidings, just a thought.

  2. Anonymous2:55 AM

    After a second autopsy by Dr. Wecht they still haven't found anything.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I think Anna Nicole had a gastric bypass. She lost the weight too fast. That has nothing to do with her sons death. I just think about that.
