
Friday, October 13, 2006

5 Years For Roscoe Dixon

Today 'Roscoe Dixon' former state representative. Was sentenced for the crime of bribery, conspiracy, and extortion. He was convicted earlier this year. With sentencing held off until today. Out of a possible ninety years, he received only five and three months. A drop in the bucket, if you ask my opinion. Which is the reason for my lack of sympathy. In a newsconference held after the sentencing today. Him and his attorney 'Coleman Garrett', warned of filing an appeal. Due to the fact that he is on video taking cash payoffs. If the appeal is unsuccessful. I think he should pay a price in terms of time. They should throw the book at him. I think due to the fact he only got five years. If he doesn't own up to his actions. He should receive a stiff penalty, if he causes the taxpayer to spend any more money. In the form of trials. I think an example should be made of those people. Not taking responsibility for their actions.


  1. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I didn't like his attitude after the sentencing. He has no remorse.The people are still supporting him.

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    If he gets out of jail. And runs for public office anytime soon. He will no doubt win.

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    How old is Roscoe Dixon?
