
Friday, October 13, 2006

Fruit Stands Against Crime

I may have come up with a solution for the rising Memphis crime. It is unconventional, but effective nonetheless. At least it will make the criminals think before they act. Never know who has a gun. Let's put little old men with fruit stands. In hotspots all over town. Earlier today a robbery was thwarted by a seventy-nine yr. old fruit salesman. While he was attending to his fruit stand. He took a bite out of crime. Outside a local credit union. Where he has had his stand for years. The vendor known as " Mr. Roscoe", saw two young men. Both put on ski mask, and enter the bank. He entered behind them and shot one, in the chest. The robbers were caught a short time later. At a house down the street.Details at this point are sketchy. "Mr. Roscoe" and one of the robbers, were questioned for hours. Initially it was said the elderly man, posessed a gun owners permit. As the evening went on, that became unclear. The police aren't yet decided what charges will be filed. Which I think is a travesty in itself. This is why I support community policing. I would support 650 new officers, if it produced results like this.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    They are probably going to charge the old man.

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I think you have a point. Usually when something like this happens. The victims get charged.

  3. Unfortunately, the law will probably prosecute the fruit vendor because he left his place of business and went into another place of business to stop a robbery by deadly force.

    Society is at the point where we will have to bare arms to protect our homes and businesses. In all my years, I have never seen this level of brazen lawlessness.

  4. It is at that point.

    The fruit vendor is not going to be charged.

  5. I hope the vendor isn't charged. Everything worked out this time. I haven't heard yet, wheter or not Mr. Mcvay was charged. Let's hope the family, doesn't file a civil suit.

  6. No charges are going to be filed; it was said on the news last night.

    Mr. McVay not only has to worry about a possible civil suit, he also should be concerned about his safety. The robber he shot family member(s) or friends might seek revenge. I wonder if he going to continue to operate his fruit stand across from the bank.

  7. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Blinders Off you said a mouthful. Those robbers were probably in a gang. I'm pretty sure he's going to have to vacate that spot.Where was security anyway?
