
Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Frightening Prospect, But Possible

We pretty much can predetermine the future, of some children at birth. Look at the lifestyle and mindset, of their parents. Our society often incubates these situations. To the optimist and bleeding heart liberal, that might sound judgemental. Like it or not, it's the painful truth. In order for us to make some changes. We must first get past, being offended by the truth. With the control the government already has, on the American family. This isn't impossible to imagine. Look at the power of the CPS and DHS now. If crime continues to spiral like it is now. In order for decent law abiding citizens to maintain. In communities where this is obviously evident. We're going to have to do something quick.


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    That's cold

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a white man.

  3. Common,

    It is painfully true about many of our young black children destiny in life. However, as a bleeding heart liberal I believe in giving people a chance. As an activist, I understand the coldness in your post to a point. There have been times when I said to myself, why in the hell should I care or give a damn if they do not give a damn.

    On America’s Next Top Model last year, there was a young woman who made it to the final twelve who lived in the hood all her life. She was exposed to a life outside of the hood, but her heart was in the hood. She could accept life outside of her hood environment. It was unfortunate to see her give up on herself, but Tyra Banks tried and failed to help her realize there was more to life than the ghetto. It is a reality; you do not have to be a product of your environment. It is also a reality, that many people prefer to live in that environment and the cycle continues with their children. The point I am trying to make if we are in a position to help change the mentality of some of our young people there is still hope for the future of our race.

    I can only hope as a conservative you do not give up on helping our young black men and women how to live in this system. Knowledge is Power and as mature adults, we must continue to reach the one’s we can and pray for the one’s we cannot reach. It hurts my heart each time I try to help a young black man/woman who do not KNOW how to turn around their life and do not want to. I also have hope for the future when I reach one, that makes my efforts worthwhile.

  4. Anonymous 2:16,

    Cold, but possibly true.

  5. Anonymous 2:41,

    Only White men tell the truth?

  6. Blinders Off,

    That exactly what I want for Blacks. As a Conservative, I just don't believe in begging them. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Any decent person should be willing to accept the chance offered him. It's up to the individual. If they don't want it, you can't want it for them.

  7. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Bill Cosby said something like this. The Black community turned on him.
