
Monday, October 23, 2006

America Is A Great Nation, But It's Not Ready Yet

In my opinion the Democrats are just trying, to feel the pulse of the voters. To find out what appeals to them. Now the Democrats are pushing another candidate, for the upcoming presidential race. George Soros the liberal billonaire activist. Who detests George W. Bush. As well as other influential Democratic leaders. Think Barack Obama can deliver the needed votes. They hope this presidents unpopularity in regards to the war, can translate to a win for them. He appeals to both Black and White voters alike. At first the buzz was over Hillary Clinton, now it's Barack Obama. I like Barack Obama myself, but let's be realistic. He's the fastest rising Black Democrat, on the political horizon. But he can't be elected President. Neither can Hillary Clinton. Let's just face the facts. The male White power base won't allow this to happen. Not in the near future.

I don't envy the next person that gets the job. It's a no win situation. The next person that gets the job, may be the fallguy. If a Republican is elected, we're going to get more of the same. If a Democrat gets the job, they will be a big disappointment. Once it's discovered they can't do a better job. They will be thought of as a failure. Barack can take a page out of Jesse Jackson's book. He was the first Black to run for President. He came in a close second for the Democratic nomination, in his last bid in 1988. One thing of note. During that time, Blacks were the majority minority. Since then that statistic has changed. At first glance that can be deceiving for Blacks. Hispanics aren't necessarily our counterparts, in the so-called struggle. Many legal aliens are conservative. If Barack Obama appeals to all the groups. Somebody is going to be left out. You can't be everything, for everybody. Which is what a Black candidate would have to be. America is a great nation, but it's not ready yet.


  1. Barack Obama have that star quality. If he is approached to run for president or vice president, I think he will make the same decision as Colin Powell.

    There is still too much HATE in America.

  2. Blinders Off,

    He has already been approached. He is just waiting to see how the Nov. 7, election turns out. Whether or not the Democrats win the house. Even if he runs, it won't make much difference. I don't think it's hate. I will call it prejudice though. Everyone is inclined to support those that look like them. Except maybe Blacks.

  3. Bishop,

    Since you say he would do a better job than Bush. Tell me how you think he would. What exactly has he done, that demonstrates his intelligence on Iraq. Let alone his leadership ability.

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I think he may be the most electable Black candidate in the country.

  5. Anonymous2:44 PM

    He would make a good choice for vice president.

  6. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Hillary Clinton would too.

  7. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sen. Obama Linked to Accused Fundraiser

    Published: 11/5/06, 1:45 AM EDT
    CHICAGO (AP) - Responding to a newspaper report, Sen. Barack Obama said Saturday that arrangements he had with a political fundraiser accused of shaking down companies might have raised the appearance of impropriety.

    Antoin "Tony" Rezko, whom Gov. Rod Blagojevich has described as a friend and a fundraiser, has pleaded not guilty to charges that he plotted to squeeze millions of dollars in kickbacks out of investment firms seeking state business. He also has pleaded not guilty to obtaining a $10.5 million loan from General Electric Capital Corp. through fraud and swindling a group of investors.

    Obama and his wife closed on a $1.65 million home last year in Chicago; the same day, Rezko's wife closed on a $625,000 lot next door, the Chicago Tribune reported Wednesday.

    Both lots were once part of the same estate but were listed for sale separately. A city ordinance required Rezko to fence the dividing line.

    Obama paid Rezko $104,500 in January for part of the lot, to create more space between his house and the fence. Obama has said the arrangements were ethical and proper.

    However, he acknowledged Saturday that he "misgauged" the implications suggested by his purchase of the additional land.

    "It was simply not good enough that I paid above the appraised value for the strip of land that he sold me," Obama said. "It was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this or any other personal business dealing that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe that he had done me a favor."

    Rezko and his companies donated nearly $20,000 to Obama's state Senate races and federal fund.

    Obama has said he would divest the federal donation.
