
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bad Move


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I think he shot himself in the foot with this one. Notice how many times the word desperation was mentioned. I think that's how he came across.

  2. I agree with you One Way on this one. Since my favorite independent "conservative" blogger posted it on his site, I felt compel to post what I said on another blog the day it happened.

    Corker’s ad talking about Ford’s family was no different from HFJ’s ad talking about Corker’s business.

    What happened to the polish politician? Is he cracking under pressure? Did he forget they debated the issues and have other debates scheduled like the one October 28, at Vanderbilt University? With that said, WHY would he make a foolish move to challenge Corker to a street debate at a Corker press conference?

    Harold Ford Jr. did not come off looking like a mature politician; he appeared to be a spoil child having a tantrum because he did not like a political advertisement talking about his family. Corker did not become rattle and lose focus at his own press conference… it backfired on HFJ.

    In my opinion, people who were not in tune with what the Fords are trying to accomplish in politics this year are now. HFJ have no one to blame but himself.

  3. Hi Bishop:

    I respect your views about the distasteful playboy ad and I agree with you on that one. That particular ad is going to cost Corker some votes. However, both candidates are airing dirty ads.

    I also understand Harold's anger about Corker talking about his family, but his family is a political dynasty that make them fair game in politics. The rules are different when you are a public figure. Privacy is out the window. Hell, privacy is out the window even if you are not in the public eye.

    HFJ should have stuck with his original platform on his family before the campaigning began. "Do not judge me by the action of my family".
    Unfortunately, for him two of his family members are seeking public office at the same time he is seeking a promotion to the Senate.

    Harold Ford Jr. statement,
    "You are here to talk about my family". brought national attention to his family when he crashed Corker's press conference.

    It was a bad move on his part that back fired which cost him some votes.

  4. Bishop,

    You know the saying, “how a person see art is in the eyes of the beholder”. It holds true in politics. Harold ad about Corker’s business and finances was dirty on how it portrayed Corker. Corker’s ad about the ethic conflict of Harold’s father (a lobbyist) benefiting if he have a brother in local politics, a sister in state politics, a son as a Congressman, and a son as a Senator. ETHICS is on the front burner in politics. Actually, both acts have a ring of TRUTH.

    My vote did not solely depend on political ads. Neither man was worthy of my vote and it was not based on Harold’s family problems or Corker’s suspicious business deals. November 7, is going to be very interesting, I am an old school boxing fan (Muhammad Ali era) and this political season is my first time seeing Harold Sr. in action. In my opinion, the tactics he is using race-baiting, intimidation, free meals and corralling nursing home is not flattering.

  5. Anonymous5:25 AM

    He better be glad they're accusing him of Playboy Bunnies, and not Chippendales.
