
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Are We Responsible For Their Actions

At one point or another, all of these people have been accused of being homosexual. I don't know for sure, if they are or not. For the purpose of this post. Let's just assume they are. Since people are trying to hold an entire party responsible, for the actions of one person. Let's look at all these unmarried Democrats. Who presently hold an elected office. Should we just launch an investigation based on suspicion? One thing I've learned in past experiences. If people don't know for sure, they'll just make up something. If you follow my blogs. You know my opinions are varied, when it comes to these individuals. Some of them I support, others I don't. I wouldn't vote for them anyway. But if I found out either of these people were homosexual. Whether I support them or not. I would put them in the same category, as Mark Foley. Some of these people are running for office as we speak. Have you done the research to find out their sexuality? To find out whether it's true or not. I won't follow you around, trying to smoke you out. I won't walk around with my eyes closed either. If it was discovered that the rumors were true, what exactly would you do? Are you convicted, in regards to your vote?


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    These people are in a position of authority.They should be held to a higher standard.
