
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why Should He

There have been repeated calls for the resignation of Dennis Hastert, the Republican leader of the house. Amid claims he was aware, of the indiscretions of Mark Foley. A former RINO congressman from Florida. Who is charged with improper advances, toward an underage congressional page. That Exhibited homosexual undertones. Mark Foley is a full grown man. Completely in charge and responsible, for his own actions. Mr. Hastert doesn't walk around with every Republican in office, in his hip pocket. Can we hold Nancy Pelosi responsible for the "Tennessee Waltz"? That simply doesn't make sense. The Republican party doesn't endorse immoral behavior, and it wasn't him.

According to published reports the Democrats knew first. There were reports of his behavior dating back to 1995. He has already had his sexuality come up before. It was probably the reason, for him backing out of the 2003 Senate race. For a seat later won by Republican Mel Martinez. Initially he was a registered Democrat, before being elected to higher office. It appears he has been hiding from the backlash for quite some time. I'm sure Dennis Hastert wasn't privy to first hand information. Instead I believe it was kept a secret. The DNC kept it under wraps, until they considered it an oppurtune time. Whether it works or not. It's no reflection on Dennis Hastert. He shouldn't resign, why should he?

Click on the link below to read the Q+A session. Concerning the Foley scandal, conducted with Rep. Hastert: