
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Double Minded Man

Former congressman Mark Foley R-Fl, resigned his post last week. After allegations of inappropriate conduct. With one of the underage house pages. Several other pages have come forward, since the story broke. He has held his office in congress, for over eleven years. After a short stint as an appointed Democratic city councilman, in Lake Worth FL. He switched parties and was elected to higher office. Immediately the RNC washed their hands of him. He is clearly, on his own now. If Democrats have their way, the damage is already done. The whole Republican party can't be held responsible, for one member being a freak. Just like all Christians can't be held responsible, for the actions of just one. Read the link below and get the full story.


  1. Bishop,

    Everyone is trying to pin this on the Repubican party. Let's put the blame where it belongs.This is Mark Foley's goof. Not the Republicans as a whole. You see what he did, when he was caught. He resigned immediately. If he had been a Democrat, he'd still be in office. Waiting until he went to trial. He knew he was on his own. If we went around calling everybody out, that was rumored to be homosexual. We would have a line that we couldn't see the end. We could start with the esteemed congressman. He doesn't have a wife.

  2. Bishop,

    Don't try to point the finger at me. I'm against any homosexual, regardless what party they claim. Who is trying to hide anything? We're talking about it now. The Democrats knew it first. Like Rep. Hastert said. If they had that information, why not go to the authorities? They were just trying to do, what they're doing right now. Make a mountain out of a molehill.

    I'm sure the friend you were talking to, was liberal just like you. The Democratic party goes for everything. So it's not hard to be out front. You're grabbing for straws, but it won't work. Because we find some homosexuals, that claim to be Christian. Is that an indictment of all of us? This is on Mark Foley, not the Republican party.

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Just read the link. It says it all.

  4. Bishop,

    I'm sorry that you feel I am trying to insult you. That is not my intent at all. I could say the same about you, but I don't. Our ideologies are different. I am Conservative, and you are liberal. So we are not going to agree, most of the time. That's a given. I think you mistake my confidence, for being defensive. I never get mad. I just don't back down. When I think I'm right.

  5. I think the Democrats have stuck their foot in their mouth. They have blown this issue out of proportion. They are now relying the testimony of a 21 yr. old ex-page. Who claims to have had consensual sex with Mark Foley.
