
Monday, October 02, 2006

Grizzlies Sold !!!

The naysayers are having a field day with this one. I don't know if a celebration is in order though. At least not for the reason they're using. But let them have their moment of glory. That's all it might turn out to be, when it's all over. It would seem that the Pro-Black residents would be about to explode. A young Black man " Brian Davis", a former Duke standout. Is leading the group (Grizzlies acquisition Holdings), proposing the purchase. They have agreed to pay $360 million, in a deal 10 months in the making. Blacks have come a long way in America. Let's just be honest. It wasn't that long ago. A purchase of this magnitude wasn't possible. This is the National Basketball Association. The cream of the crop.

The citizens of Memphis are a winner either way it goes. For those that don't think the team will survive. This might be a way out. We might get the forum for free. If the team is successful. The owners have no reason to leave. A protection clause was written in the original contract. Whether they leave or stay. All of this worry could be for nothing. According to Brian Davis. They don't plan on moving anyway. He even offered Jerry West a lifetime contract. Look below and click on link. Read the entire story, and watch the video.


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    We were riding around on the route. I heard you on the radio. You brought it home. You hit the nail dead on the head. That's just how I feel.

  2. The basketball team has had a slow day newswise. Maybe they thought about what I said and decided they didn't really have anything to gripe about.

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    It certainly has been quiet. I wonder why?
