
Monday, October 02, 2006

Weigh It For Yourself

I have gotten a little rusty, when it comes to addressing these issues. I haven't had a calculated debate lately. This required some research on my part. I had to do some homework, like the writer did. To even come up with some of these things. They had to go through the past six years with a fine tooth comb. This person went a little farther than most liberals. They would have started with the name calling by now. If this was the truth, I'd have a problem. I would have been wrong all this time. I would have to start calling myself a Liberal Democrat. Look at the letter below, and see my responses.

Top Ten Ways We Got Jacked by Conservatives
This is a great list to give to all the conservative friends on your Christmas card list.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~By: Nomi Prins enough of 'conservative' rip-off artists in Washington? Here's a list of the worst offenses we've seen since 2001.

1) The Bush administration has created the biggest budget deficit, debt, and trade imbalance ever while cutting funding for domestic needs like education, Medicare, and Medicaid.

The reason for the deficit is we are at war. We are presently fighting a war in Iraq, not to mention the recession. The recession left behind by the Clinton administration. When Bush was elected. All of this taking place. With the American public, basically going about business as usual. Except maybe an increase in gas prices.There is a difference in cutting funds and not increasing them. I think it would be fair, to make that distinction. The trade imbalance comes about as a result of free trade. Why would someone buy your product, when they can get it elsewhere cheaper? Walmart is not the # 1 retailer in America for nothing. It brings to mind the Denny's commercial. We want to make a lot. But we don't want to spend a lot.

2) The administration’s tax cuts favor the rich, no matter how you look at it. About 87 percent of tax benefits go to the 14 percent of households with incomes above $100,000. Households with incomes below $75,000 -- three-quarters of all households -- get just 5 percent of those benefits.

Tax cuts go to those who drive the economy. If you give the money to those that don't spend anything. What do you think will happen? The money will soon run out. Did you know only half the people pay anything, into Federal Income Tax? Half the people get more than they contribute. Where do you think that money comes from? If they are not given incentives, what will encourage them to spend?

3) Bush signed the largest corporate tax break package in two decades, $136 billion. After World War II, corporations paid half the cost of running the federal government. Today, they pay 7%.

This is really a continuation of question #2. It's just been put , in different words. The same thing I said before, it applies here. To try and compare todays economy, to that of after World War II. Is a stretch to say the least. The war ended in 1945, that's sixty-one years ago. That's quite a time span, I would say. Social Security didn't start until 1935. The country has changed quite a bit since then.

4) The price of gas doubled under Bush. The top oil companies earned $25 billion during the quarter that Hurricane Katrina struck compared to $50 billion for all of 2004. Former Exxon-Mobil, CEO, Lee Raymond got a $400 million exit package.

The conservative administration has nothing to do with the price of gasoline. People in other countries are already paying $5 a gallon. It has more to do with supply and demand. Than it does with the Republican administration. Lee Raymond's lucrative retirement package, was a result of free enterprise. He got what his contract called for. I bet the stockholders collected handsome dividends too.

5) The Republican Congress has voted against every minimum wage increase, except the one linked to getting rid of the estate tax for the rich. The real income of the average American household has fallen five years in a row.

What would raising the minimum wage help? It just might have the opposite effect. The problem with the minimum wage. The only people concerned with it, are those who earn that wage. It's really for students and children. If you had a budget of $24,000 a year, to pay your staff. Which allowed you to employ two popcorn vendors full time. If they raised the minimum wage by two whole dollars, to 7.15 hr. What do you think would happen? You would have to lay somebody off. You couldn't raise the price of the popcorn to make up the difference. Since the fast food industry will be most affected. I like to ask the question. Are you prepared to pay $5 for a Big Mac? Nobody makes enough money in their opinion. So you can prepare to earn more, through educating yourself.

6) House Republicans chopped education programs by $14.3 billion -- the highest cuts ever. College tuition has increased 34 percent since Bush took office.

That's simply not true. I had to go back and do some research. I've heard that argument before. I just had to find the exact numbers. Before I replied to the statement. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was just an oversight. It's not fourteen but four billion. A huge difference in my opinion. Upon closer examination. You will see many of those cuts. Seemed to affect upwardly mobil teachers, instead of students. Why do liberals always want to put everything in the pile together. The price of tuition has rose largely due to salaries. Paid to teachers and administrators. Who criticize this administration. After using government sponsored programs, to further their education. A lot of fat was cut from the budget, and used in places where it helped. I challenge you to show me anywhere in the United States. Where less money is being spent, on the individual student. I haven't seen it yet, and neither has anyone else. In spite of all this money being spent. Where I live the children are still failing. As bad as it is here. It's even worse elsewhere.

7) Since 2001, average monthly health care premiums have risen from $342 to $603. Annual deductibles have doubled. Today 46 million Americans (including 8.4 million children) have no health insurance, an increase of 6 million since Bush took office.

Liberals questions often touch a number of issues. But they don't cover all the bases. Because to answer one, would often cancel out the other. It would create a double play of sorts. In both instances, proving liberals wrong. I'm sure those numbers used, are based on private insurance quotes. I don't know anyone part of a group health plan, paying nearly that much. As much as we would like it to be. Health insurance is not free. We always use children and elderly people. To make it sound more dramatic, or worse than it is. All children everywhere are receiving healthcare. If they aren't it's the guardians fault. Not that of the government. That's part of the problem. A parent is always attached. We take care of them as well. We must look at the illegal immigration issue too. To get a broader perspective.

8) The Senate approved the biggest bankruptcy law in a quarter of a century. Republicans voted AGAINST protecting senior citizens, the seriously ill, military members, veterans, and employees.

This is another one of those situations, that leaves me torn. It sounds cold and callous, but it's the truth. The main people affected by this, are people who don't pay their bills. When one person looses their life savings, that's too many. That's usually not the case though. You are much more likely to encounter someone, that's a victim of bad spending habits. Than someone who faces situations beyond their control. As someone who has been on the other side. And who believes you should pay your debts. I agree with the revised bankruptcy bill.

9) In 1983, the Greenspan Commission put Social Security measures in place that created a $1.7 trillion surplus in the system. This administration borrowed against and cut that to $153 billion while blaming citizens for not dying young enough.

Social Security is just like anything else. You can't continue to withdraw, and never make a deposit. When Social Security was created in 1935. There were two full time workers for everyone drawing a check. Within the next few years, that formula will have completely reversed. Your grandparents worked, for their great grandchildren. If we don't do something quick. Your children will work. For their own children.

10) In 2005, Americans paid $4.3 billion in withdrawal fees at ATM’s and $16 billion to credit card companies in late fees alone. Republicans have suggested no remedies.Nomi Prins is a senior fellow at the public policy center Demos and author of Other People's Money and Jacked: How "Conservatives" are Picking your Pocket (Whether you voted for them or not).

This is typical of the liberal mindset. Always blame someone else for your mistakes. What do Conservatives have to do, with how you spend your money? The remedy is right in your wallet. Just don't take it out. Leave the ATM card in your pocket. You won't have this conservative created problem. LOL


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Conservatives have an answer for everything.

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    These are comments from candidates in the 8th congressional district in Indiana.

    The best way to combat the minimum wage is through education, experience and investment..... Congressman Mike Sodrel (R-Ind.)

    We can do more to help low wage workers by making real cuts. Like payroll, property and sales. Let them keep more of their money... Eric Shansberg-Libertarian Candidate

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