
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Straight In From Zambodia

This guy has a penchant for showing up offsetting election results. There is never even the remote chance of him winning. But he always affects the outcome. At least one other of his runs for office, have been monumental. It resulted in Memphis having it's first elected Black Mayor. Some voters credit him with getting Mayor Herenton elected the first time. Initially he only won by one-hundred, thirty-eight votes. The latest victim of Prince Mongo Hodges, is district 29. In the last state congressional race. Between Ophelia Ford and Terry Roland. The race was decided, by much less than the number of votes he acquired. Ophelia Ford won the election by only thirteen votes. Ten of those were thrown out. I wonder what impact he will have this time?


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    I heard he likes young boys. He might be like Mark Foley. I don't know. But if he does, unfortunately he has a base. Memphis politics is filled with people like that.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I just know he is wealthy.
