
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

An Outsider Comes To The Rescue

This is becoming a trend, in the Black community. Somebody else is always taking up our slack. This subject has come up far too often lately. Remember the center for social change in Atlanta, and locally Lemoyen Owen college? Those things we consider important. We won't give to on a regular basis. Except maybe our churches. We just don't support causes, with our dollars. Considering that Blacks are like 88% Democratic, in their politics. I'm not surprised at all. Liberals want to do the right thing, only with someone else's money. Locally when Republican White candidate 'Mark White', visited Westwood High school. It literally brought him to tears. The football team needed uniforms so badly. It drove him to action. He contributed $2400, of his own money. To a school that doesn't even know him, and he never attended. Unlike many of those alumni and parents, who played and go to the games.The entire contribution by the alumni association was $600. In a class with some graduates, who could have written a check themselves. Notably Joseph Lee, head of MLGW. He earns over $200,000 yr., with a Westwood education. I know he can spend his money how he likes. Instead of bragging about your accomplishments. Be a blessing to someone else. Why not give something back? As opposed to always taking something out? Once again an outsider has come to the rescue.

Read an earlier blog, about a similar situation. Notice the similarities?


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    That's been kept quiet. I wonder do the Cohen and Ford supporters, know about that?

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I heard you today. You blew them out of the water. Jennings Bernard couldn't say nothing.
