
Monday, October 16, 2006

What Goes Around, Comes Around

So far locally we haven't been plagued with the unsavory elements, of the Hispanic population. We're still trying to deal with those that are Black. I'm not being prejudice, but I know it exist. The Hispanics tend to live in groups. In their own little sections of town. With their own stores, and their own newspaper. They even have their own radio station. Depending on what side of the fence you're on. You're not even aware of their presence. That largely shapes your opinion, of the Hispanic population. If you're one of those people who have been displaced. Needless to say, you're not to happy. From what I have seen. We are just feeling the effects of those people,wanting to work. The construction industry is probably the hardest hit. So the average construction worker has a gripe. Whether legitimate or not, depends on the individual. Some people complain no matter what.

Regardless whether you approve of their presence or not. It doesn't give anyone the right, or priviledge . To target them for criminal acts. I've noticed more than a coincidental occurrence, of Black on Hispanic crime. Due to the fact that many of them can't speak english. Not to mention those, that aren't supposed to be here. It makes those cases hard to prosecute. The crooks have the upper hand now. I'm not sure how long that will last. It's only a matter of time, before the Hispanics strike back. Righteous people know, you can't fight fire with fire. Unrighteous people don't though. They think that's the only solution. I just hope this doesn't come back tenfold. The same thing working in their favor right now. Could work against them later.

If we keep on bringing this subject up, eventually it will change. I'm not so sure, it will be for the better. Click on the link below. See my earlier blog.


  1. Common:

    I remember your post on "Esa Rules". The Hispanic gang influence presence will be felt around the rest of the country as it is in Miami and California.

    We are in a sad state of affairs in America.

  2. Blinder Off,

    We don't want to encourage the violent reaction. Which undoubtedly will come. That's how the Klan got started.

  3. It might already be too late on encouraging the violent reaction.

    The difference is the reaction will be different from how the Klan was dealt with. Our city streets can end up like the streets in Iraq.

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    All Hispanics aren't bad people, but there are some. Just like in every other race.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Louie you're absolutely right. They have some bad Asians. They're not all doctors.
