
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Coalition Of The Former Talkshow Hosts


Today I heard Janis Fullilove, former radio personality and new Charter Commission member. Endorse Independent candidate Jake Ford for congress. I think she waited until kind of late in the game. To come out on his behalf. She gave a somewhat endorsement in August. On an obscure station, where few people heard. Though it's better late than never. He needed her a long time ago. Like when he first decided to run. I think she was waiting on Harold Ford Sr., to request her services. I know she was torn, to have to make a choice between him and the mayor. This is out of character for her. She is usually a staunch Herenton supporter. Maybe that's why she chose this race. Her endorsement won't make much difference anyway.

Even though I don't think much of this group of voters. I am aware that they do exist. They are nothing more than gullible,impressionable sheep. People like Janis Fullilove and others, are the chosen shepherds. These people are not the big spenders in the community. So they don't draw the advertisers. Therefore the venues for their rhetoric. Have all been kicked off the air. These people aren't the majority, but they still have a vote.If we could get them all together they would make a significant showing. I haven't heard who Leon Gray supports. I know who his cousin L. Lasimba Gray is pushing. He has done commercials for Jake Ford. Leon doesn't usually go against him. Last night the last soldier standing, was shot down. At least he won't be on air for a while. J.C. Floyd of WLOK, announced it was his last night. Since then I have heard conflicting stories. I wish all three of them would get together, and cast their support for Jake. With all of the former WLOK personalities. Even then he couldn't win. It would damage Steve Cohen terribly. Possibly causing an upset. A little blue bird told me something else. I trust them enough to go ahead and say. WDIA has added to the casualty list. They no longer employ two familiar voices. James Davis and Captain Curtis Lee. They both are devout liberals. Though probably for very different reasons. Maybe they'll throw their hat into the ring. If everything works out as I predict. Good work Janis.


  1. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Is that why their pictures are so small? To match their influence. While Janis was doing Ford commercials she should have been at the Charter Commission meetings she's missed.

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I guess they had a marathon.I heard Janis,his momma and his daddy.I haven't heard Jr. yet. Do you think it's yet to come?

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Nobody listens to Janis anymore. The only reason she won the Charter Commission is because it doesn't pay. She is for sale to the highest bidder. Once a drug addict, always a junkie.

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    How did you know about the firings on Wednesday?

  5. Anonymous 1:48,

    I know a lot of things. You would be surprised. People that come to my blog. Always have a jump. LOL

  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Well, Common, perhaps you should have told the employees themselves before they got locked out on Friday.

    Also, someone failed to tell you the firings weren't based on politics, but Economics 101. Everyone knows Clear Channel is up for sale. They're cutting their bottom line to attract a potential buyer. People in different departments and different stations also got the ax. It will be up to the new owners (if the sale goes down) to rehire them at their own discretion.

  7. Anonymous 1:00,

    Maybe you should have told them. I wasn't aware ahead of time. I don't work at Clear Channel, do you? Like obviously you were. You seem to know a lot, why didn't you tell them?

    I never said it was political, you asumed that. I just suggested that the ex-radio personalities get together. To serve a consolidated cause. If you have a point, maybe that's what you should stick with. Instead of trying to question my motive. I know all about economics. The reason they were fired. They didn't bring anything extra, to the table. A disc jockey with a following, wouldn't be fired. James is a smartmouth liberal, Captain is an opinionated old thug. Both to whom the listeners no longer listen. I have nothing against them personally. I just know how it works. It's not personal, it's business. In case you don't know twenty-three people were fired. At other stations as well. They probably won't be rehired. At least not at WDIA. Why wasn't James at the Juke Joints?

  8. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Common, believe it or not, you actually answered my original question!

    I wanted to know how you knew on November 1 (the date on your blog) when the firings took place November 3. I thought it was tacky to put that up on a blog where they might read it before they got the news. But now you said you didn't, so I guess you simply updated your blog. My bad. You are a reasonable person, I think you would understand that.

    No, I don't work for Clear Channel, but I do read several trade publications of the industry. Considering the fallout at FM 100, 103.5, and Power (now KIM) 99 from their respective companies (Entercom and Citadel) , the Clear Channel situation is not suprising. Regionwide (which encompasses several states), Clear Channel will cut about 500 jobs.

    As for the rehiring of personalities, never say never. Let us not forget how many times Janis went back to WDIA and Dorothy Williams to WLOK. Even WMQM took back the racist Jennings Bernard.

  9. Anonymous 5:56,

    My bad because, actually I did update my blog. When I heard the news. I did add their names to the post. I apologize for the oversight, you are very observant. I agree it would be tacky to post it prior to their knowledge. They already knew, other people just didn't.

    As for the rehiring you have a point. Especially when you look at those examples. I think it's only fair to consider the stations involved. WDIA is part of a major company now. They're not the same Goodwill station they used to be.They consistently are rated at the top. They might cut back, but not at the expense of ratings and commercials. Any one that's stimulates those two, aren't going anywhere.

    WLOK is often between a rock and a hard place. They're a small station trying to grow. They can't necessarily get the people in demand. At least they can't pay them.I talked to a radio producer friend of mine. Who said often they hire the cheapest person, with the most experience.

    Then we have WMQM. They don't hire anyone. They sell radio airtime to anyone that has the money. They focus on the radio ministries. And other spiritually centered programs. Jennings Bernard buys his own time. At a hefty price I might add.

    I don't know a lot about hiring practices, in the radio profession. But let me say this on behalf of Janis. She has a local following. I call them the gullible and uninformed. Most of them don't know politics really. They just like Janis. In those incidents I know about. In her case it often depended on whether she was fired, or she quit. The people in the past, have welcomed her back. Look what happened to Leon Gray, there isn't a market.

  10. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Just for the record. To all the doubters that thought they had seen the last of Captain Curtis Lee get prepared for the return.He is now a on air personality at WRBO Soul Classics 103.5.

  11. افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

    ارخص شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

    تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

    تنظيف مسابح

    نظافة مسابح

    شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

    شركة تنظيف المسبح

    تنظيف المسابح من الاشياء المهمه جدا فى حياتنا كما ان معظم الدراسات اكدت ما يسببه المسبح من امراض وفيروسات عندما يكون متسخ وبما ان المسبح من صنع اله لا من صنع الانسان نجد ان اضراره اكثر من منافعه كما نجد فى البحار والسواحل والمحيطات الامواج وهدا من صنع الله لكى تنظف نفسها بنفسها لا تحتاج لمن ينظفها لكن المسابح عكس هدا تماما لانها تحتاج الى من ينظفها باستمرار لحمايه انسنا من اى ضرر او امراض

    وبما ان كلنا نعلم انه يوجد حشرات فى الهواء وعلى الاشجار التلى توجد بجاور المسبح وبالتالى تموت وتنزل فى المسبح ومما يؤدى الى تحللها والخطر على صحتنا وايضا كلنا نعلم المياه الراكده التى توجد فى المسبح التى قد تحتوى على بعض البكتريا التلى لا نرها بالعين المجرده وبالتالى تقوم باختراق مسام الجلد وتسبيب لنا بعض الامراض دون ان نشعر وهدا ما يسمى بالامراض الخبيسه

    وايضا هناك بعص الاشخاص ينزلون المسبح ويفعلون بعض الاشياء السيئه مثل التبول فى المسبح او عدم الاعتناء بنظافتهم الشخصيه وبالنسبه للحريم فانهم ينزلون المسبح دون ازاله مساحيق التجميل وبالتالى تتكون زيوت واتربه فى المسبح ومن كل الزى زكرناه لابد من تنظيف المسبح باستمرار والاتصال بافضل شركه تنظيف مسابح نصلكم اينما كنتم ودالك لان شركتنا تقدم افضل وسائل التنظيف والتطهير للاعتناء بالمسبح لكى يكون نظيف ومنعش دائما.................

    حيت انه تقوم شركتنا بالعديد من طرق التنظيف ***مثلا***

    *اولا نقوم بتفريغ المسبح من المياه وتنظيف ارضيته
    *نقوم برش بعض السوائل التى تجلى الارضيات وتعمل على تطهيرها
    *تمتلك شركتنا افضل وسائل التنظيف لدا لا تارتدوو وتواصلو معنا نصلكم اينما كنتم

    علينا جميعا الاهتممام بصحتنا والحفاظ عليها والاتصال بافضل شركه تنظيف مسابح لكى تحيو حياه سعيده بدون اى امراض
    ***** نتمنى لكم الاستمتاع بصحه جيده دائما حفظكم الله وحماكم من كل سوء*****
