
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Be On The Lookout

Loyalty is to be commended in certain situations. A sign of a good leader,is one who takes care of those around them. Even in the case of the "second chance program". Headed up by a convicted felon "Yolonda McFadden". It's the same through and through, in Memphis politics. In the eyes of the Mayors opposers, it might be classified as corruption. Considering the jobs he's created and appointed people to head. One might make a valid case. Though I don't agree, I still wouldn't call it that. When you look at all the jobs in question. And how they came about. I think this is something that would qualify as normal. Unfortunately in more situations, than most of us would like. If we don't benefit from nepotism or favors ourselves. We know someone that does. Everything the mayor does, just gets more attention. He's just doing what those before him, have always done. How many people have their jobs because of Jim Rout or Dick Hackett? There might even be some Wyeth Chandler residual.That doesn't make it right by any means.That's just the status quo in Memphis. The people in power have made a practice, of promoting their family and friends. Don't even mention affirmative action. And the obvious effect it has had. It directly correlates with the number of female Blacks in positions of power. Whether they are the best candidate or not. Our entire local government is built on cronyism and favors. That's why we have the only dual government in America.

The problem is the administration is reflective of the minds, of the voting community. Some people live for the so-called hookup. We expect some things to be a given. Many citizens suffer from an entitlement mentality. We have far too many deserving people that are being overlooked. In favor of people with the right connections. Let's just be honest here. If Yolonda Mcfadden wasn't an above average looking woman. We wouldn't even be having this discussion. There are people that are much more deserving. They just don't look as good. I won't accuse her of what they call "flatbacking". Though a lot of this is taking place. I will say this though. I would likely attribute her meteoric rise to the fact. That someone has or wants to get next to her personally. I don't blame Ms. McFadden for capitalizing. She can't help how she looks. Smart and pretty women, always have an advantage. Until the people of Memphis become more concerned with character, than charisma. Things like this will continue to happen.