
Friday, December 08, 2006

Like Father, Like Son?

It's strange how history repeats itself. Everything that comes around, has already happened before. "It's the same old soup reheated". As one of my friends would say. With the almost unanimous confirmation of Robert Gates (95-2), as secretary of defense. Replacing the enormously unpopular Donald Rumsfeld. I can't help but think. How soon we forget. Mr. Gates was bosom buddies with George Bush Sr. during his term. Remember the Iran contra scandal? What appears to be subtly happening here. Is the Democrats reverting back to a previous administration's position. Like the one prior, to that of former president Bill Clinton. Being an Independent conservative myself. It was interesting to hear this observation made, by a hardcore Republican. Someone who sticks with the Republican party no matter what. It serves as confirmation to my earlier assumptions. The Democrats really don't have a plan. They're to the point of willing to use Republican strategy. Now that they control both the house and the senate. Their lack of direction has become painfully obvious. It would be to blatant, to just stay the course. Like the President has repeatedly said. That would be admitting that President Bush was right all along. Instead they go back and get old ideas, from members of his father's team.

I have often said that this President, will look better after he's gone. Some things held against him, was actually the work of his father. I think the father was more of a globalist than the son. To the detriment of the American worker. To the benefit of big business. Some of his decisions were solely on behalf, of world trade. It's ironic that when you reach a certain level. Regardless of party. All politicians are the same. Notice how chummy George H, and Bill Clinton have gotten lately. He's even calling him his adopted son. It is rumored that the President and his father, aren't getting along. Word is that the President took a stand against the old man. Telling him with all due respect. I appreciate you insight and counsel, but I'm in charge now. This President in my opinion has done a very good job. In spite of the many challenges. He has repeatedly risen to the occasion. No matter what he has done, the people have been critical. That's not to say he has done everything right. Other than God and Jesus Christ,tell me who has. Many Democrats already realize they have been duped. They already see signs of abandonment. I think the next two years will show. Just how much like the father, the son really is.