Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Museums Need Money Too

I heard a show yesterday on WDIA, in regards to a scheduled meeting to save the "Civil Rights Museum". I was unable to get in to the show to talk to state representatives D- Barbara Cooper and D- G.A. Hardaway. Who both came on the air to alert the public of the planned meeting to discuss the museum's future. According to them there is an all out drive to take over the "Civil Rights Museum" by a select group of board members. Headed by local businessman and board member "Pitt Hyde". The representatives call the action being taken a move to privatize what belongs to the public. After farther investigation of the matter. I'm not so sure, they're not misrepresenting the facts.

This story has a strong resemblance to the "Beale Street Development" fiasco. It symbolizes a changing of the guard so to speak. Thus bringing in someone wanting to hold the management more accountable than in the past. The fact that this is a state museum won't change. They'll still be getting state funding like they always have. The only thing in question is the continued management role of the " National Civil Rights Museum Foundation Inc.". That's a change, that just may be in order. They want to enjoy the benefits of Mr. Hyde's money minus his input. You can't expect people to keep picking up the tab for your decisions without eventually crying out. In this situation that's exactly whats been happening all the time. They had been given a blank check to do their business, to keep up the general maintenance of the museum itself. Based on recent pictures and what I've heard lately. They haven't been doing that.Someone has been falling terribly short.

Read the link below to see Barbara Cooper's letter:
