Veiled Pro-Homosexual Legislation

Congressman Steve Cohen is a master of deception and clouding the issues. He is both an experienced politician and a lawyer to boot.Unlike most of his supporters he understands that this bill is full of loopholes. It provides the perfect opportunity for some over zealous lawyer to win some exorbitant judgement because a victim is gay. That or have the law misinterpreted from state to state. Like they have done with the institution of marriage. Don't say it won't happen. Look at all the different groups that are protected under this bill. Some of which are illegal anyway. How do you explain the ministers that have already been arrested for their sermons? For those who say that it hasn't happened, just read the links below.
For his black supporters, which are vast in number. The district he represents is 60% black. When is the last time to your knowledge, a hate crime was committed against a black person? Don't bring up the Jasper Tx. murder of James Byrd. That happened almost 10 years ago, and was the first crime of that notoriety since Emmit Till. The biggest problem facing blacks today is "black on black crime". The outcome of those crimes won't be affected by the passage of this bill. Unless of course the victim is gay. In between renaming buildings and showing up at black funerals and birthday parties. What exactly has the congressman done? Other than be a major advocate for his underlying agenda "Homosexual rights". This is nothing more than a veiled attempt to pass pro-homosexual legislation.
These are the links:
Unconstitutional Legislation Threatens Freedoms
May 7, 2007
Last week, the House of Representatives acted with disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty by passing HR 1592, a bill creating new federal programs to combat so-called “hate crimes.” The legislation defines a hate crime as an act of violence committed against an individual because of the victim’s race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Federal hate crime laws violate the Tenth Amendment’s limitations on federal power. Hate crime laws may also violate the First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech and religion by criminalizing speech federal bureaucrats define as “hateful.”
There is no evidence that local governments are failing to apprehend and prosecute criminals motivated by prejudice, in comparison to the apprehension and conviction rates of other crimes. Therefore, new hate crime laws will not significantly reduce crime. Instead of increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement, hate crime laws undermine equal justice under the law by requiring law enforcement and judicial system officers to give priority to investigating and prosecuting hate crimes. Of course, all decent people should condemn criminal acts motivated by prejudice. But why should an assault victim be treated by the legal system as a second-class citizen because his assailant was motivated by greed instead of hate?
HR 1592, like all hate crime laws, imposes a longer sentence on a criminal motivated by hate than on someone who commits the same crime with a different motivation. Increasing sentences because of motivation goes beyond criminalizing acts; it makes it a crime to think certain thoughts. Criminalizing even the vilest hateful thoughts--as opposed to willful criminal acts--is inconsistent with a free society.
HR 1592 could lead to federal censorship of religious or political speech on the grounds that the speech incites hate. Hate crime laws have been used to silence free speech and even the free exercise of religion. For example, a Pennsylvania hate crime law has been used to prosecute peaceful religious demonstrators on the grounds that their public Bible readings could incite violence. One of HR 1592’s supporters admitted that this legislation could allow the government to silence a preacher if one of the preacher’s parishioners commits a hate crime. More evidence that hate crime laws lead to censorship came recently when one member of Congress suggested that the Federal Communications Commission ban hate speech from the airwaves.
Hate crime laws not only violate the First Amendment, they also violate the Tenth Amendment. Under the United States Constitution, there are only three federal crimes: piracy, treason, and counterfeiting. All other criminal matters are left to the individual states. Any federal legislation dealing with criminal matters not related to these three issues usurps state authority over criminal law and takes a step toward turning the states into mere administrative units of the federal government.
Because federal hate crime laws criminalize thoughts, they are incompatible with a free society. Fortunately, President Bush has pledged to veto HR 1592. Of course, I would vote to uphold the president’s veto.
This bill only adds two things
1) It adds 5 million dollars to combat hate crimes on the local
2) It adds sexual orientation to the list
Nowhere does it say homosexual so it you beat up a straight person because he or she are heterosexual that would be a hate crime.
This is a very old bill that continues to be reauthorized and is nothing new. You would think Rev. Gray would approve of this legislation because he is a "Christian" and also because it protects violence against race/religion.
Did you hear about the purse snatcher getting ten extra years on their sentence for snatching the purse of a transvestite?
I forwarded this post to a friend of mine who supports Steve Cohen. I know he's read it, but he won't respond. He wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.
Cohen meets with black ministers group over his support of hate crimes bill
By James Dowd (Contact)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tempers flared and emotions erupted Tuesday at a meeting between U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen and a group of black ministers, stemming from the freshman congressman's support for a federal hate crimes bill.
More than 100 ministers and guests showed up Tuesday for the weekly meeting of the Memphis Baptist Ministerial Association, where Cohen had been invited to speak. During a volatile question-and-answer forum that followed, many loudly commented that Cohen, who is white, can't adequately represent the primarily black Ninth District.
Photos by Karen Pulfer Focht/The Commercial Appeal
U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen addressed a sometimes-hostile crowd during a meeting of the Memphis Baptist Ministerial Association on Tuesday. "This is obviously politically motivated, since Harold Ford Jr. supported this (hate crimes) bill and no one ever had a problem with it then," Cohen said afterward.
Apostle Alton Williams expressed concerns over the federal hate crimes bill. "It's not political. I'm just concerned about what it will possibly do to the Christian church," he said.
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"He's not black and he can't represent me, that's just the bottom line," said Rev. Robert Poindexter of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. "I don't care how people try to dress is up, it always comes down to race and he can't know what it's like to be black."
Comments and outbursts like that caused leaders to say the group will send Cohen a letter of apology.
"We didn't control it well, but it was never our intention to offend anybody," said Rev. Stanford L. Hunt, the group's secretary and pastor at Beulah Baptist Church. "Things definitely got out of hand."
Cohen agreed.
"I was not treated the way a congressman or an elected official or an invited guest should have been treated," Cohen said afterward. "It was supposed to be my time to come and address this issue. I never expected anything like this."
Cohen later suggested the meeting had been a setup, as a way for Nikki Tinker supporters to gain momentum.
Tinker, who is black, lost to Cohen in last August's Democratic primary by 4,459 votes. She has already started a bid to challenge Cohen in 2008 and also has spoken to the ministerial association.
"This is obviously politically motivated, since Harold Ford Jr. supported this bill and no one ever had a problem with it then," Cohen said. ... "It's going before the Senate now, so why aren't they calling Alexander and Corker instead of beating me up?"
Cohen was invited to speak to members after the group publicly criticized him two weeks ago for backing the hate crimes bill. The bill passed the House in May, and a Senate vote could come as early as next month.
Dr. LaSimba Gray, pastor of New Sardis Baptist Church and president the local chapter of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, told Cohen that the ministers' group opposed the bill and members were offended by suggestions that the black and gay communities are somehow connected.
"In all my 40 years of civil rights work I've never seen a gay water fountain and I've never seen a gay entrance to a building," Gray said. "We have a right to be apprehensive about this bill and say it's not necessary."
Cohen said the hate crimes legislation would benefit African-Americans, who are victims of more than half the hate crimes each year.
"If you say we don't need a hate crimes bill, then you're saying all those racists in the '60s don't deserve the toughest sentences for the terrible acts of violence they committed," Cohen said. "Hate crimes are a way of saying that you better not get out of line or you'll end up in the bottom of the river. We've got to stand up to that."
A number of national organizations agree. More than 230 groups -- including the national Rainbow PUSH Coalition -- endorsed the bill. Also supporting the bill are the NAACP, American Civil Liberties Union and the National Urban League.
The bill increases sentencing options for crimes committed because of factors such as race, religion and sexual orientation and broadens the scope of the federal government to prosecute such cases.
And that's the problem, some said. Many expressed concern that the legislation could prevent them from preaching against homosexuality and expose them to lawsuits.
"If this becomes law, then the gay advocates will start suing preachers for preaching what they (gays) see as hate," said Apostle Alton R. Williams, pastor of World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church. "It's not political. I'm just concerned about what it will possibly do to the Christian church."
But supporters emphasize that the bill will do nothing of the kind.
"The NAACP would never support anything that stifles freedom of speech, so these ministers have no basis for their concern," said Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington, D.C., bureau. "I wish they would actually read the bill and try to understand it."
-- James Dowd: 901-529-2737
U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis: "This all about LaSimba Gray and Nikki Tinker. It's about a small group trying to find a wedge issue that they hope will get Tinker elected."
Dr. LaSimba Gray, pastor of New Sardis Baptist Church and president the local chapter of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition: "This is not political, it's an issue of freedom of speech. He doesn't see that as an issue, but we certainly do."
Apostle Alton R. Williams, World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church: "The real motivation here is not about helping African-Americans; it's about getting laws passed that will federally protect gays and lesbians."
Former state senator Kathryn Bowers, who attended the meeting as a guest: "I think Steve Cohen is a good representative for the black community, and he's got an excellent record on civil rights. Sometimes he's been a better supporter of our community than we have been."
Dr. Dwight Montgomery, pastor of Annesdale Cherokee Baptist Church and president of the Memphis chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference: "As a preacher and a pastor, based on my understanding of the Bible, I will continue to preach against sin and not the sinner."
Legislative Analysis
S. 1105 –The So-Called Hate Crimes Bill
The so-called ‘hate crime’ legislation begins to lay the legal foundation and framework to investigate, prosecute and persecute pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose actions are based upon and reflect the truths found in the Bible.
Once again, Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) have introduced their so-called hate crimes bill S. 1105, the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007.
Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) deplores all acts of violence against innocent victims or bias-motivated violent crimes directed at anyone including homosexuals or gender confused individuals. Furthermore, we support fair and vigorous prosecution of these crimes by State and local prosecutors.
However, TVC strongly opposes any legislation that puts fundamental religious liberties at risk. Our laws should not provide extra legal protections for someone simply because of the way he/she engages in sex.
This so-called hate crimes bill S. 1105, claims that there is a national epidemic of hate directed against homosexuals and transgenders. It claims this epidemic is so severe and widespread that these individuals flee to other states to escape persecution.
It is obvious that there is no need for this legislation. In the “Findings” section, fraudulent statements are presented to provide justification for this Act. S. 1105 indicates local law enforcement officials are so overwhelmed by these hate crimes that federal involvement is needed to cope with this problem. This is an unfounded statement.
Protecting “Sexual Orientation” And “Gender Identity”
The main purpose of this legislation is to add the categories of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” “either actual or perceived,” as new classes of individuals receiving special protection by federal law. Sexual orientation includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality on an ever-expanding continuum.
Gender identity includes such gender confused behaviors as cross-dressing, she-male, drag queen, transvestite, transsexual or transgender. Under the Act, neither “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” are really defined. How can a law be enforced if the new classes receiving special protection remain undefined?
The sexual behaviors considered sinful and immoral by most major religions will be elevated to a protected “minority” class under federal law.
Once “sexual orientation” is added to federal law, anyone with a bizarre sexual orientation will have total protection for his or her activities by claiming that Congress sanctions their appearance, behavior or attitudes.
30 Sexual Orientations Effectively Gain Federal Protection
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has published 30 such sexual orientations that, because of Congress’s failure to define “sexual orientation,” will arguably be protected under this legislation. These 30 orientations are listed in the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which is used by physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and psychiatrists throughout the U.S. It is considered the dictionary of mental disorders. Those 30 sexual orientations include behaviors that are felonies or misdemeanors in most states or can result in death.
Among those sexual orientations are:
Fronteurism -- which involves a man approaching an unknown woman and rubbing up against her buttocks. This is criminal behavior.
Incest -- which is a crime (sex with a daughter or son).
Necrophilia -- a crime (sex with a corpse).
Pedophilia -- a crime (sex with an underage child).
Prostitution -- a crime in most states.
Zoophilia -- (beastiality) which is a crime in numerous states.
Voyeurism -- which is a criminal offense in most states.
Non-criminal sexual orientations include such behaviors as:
Autogeynephilia -- the perception of a man as being a woman;
Apotemnophilia -- sexual arousal from the stumps of an amputee;
Coprophilia -- sexual arousal from feces;
Urophilia -- sexual arousal from urine
Transvestic Fetishism -- intense sexually-arousing fantasies, sexual urges, and behaviors involving cross-dressing.
This is the much touted record of congressman Cohen. Not that impressive impressive in my opinion.
2006: Lottery-funded after-school programs, Lottery scholarship awards increased, Felon voting right reform, Coretta Scott King Memorial Highway, Teen DUI death initiative
2005: Lottery Scholarship expansion & refinement, One of the Principal Ethics Bills of 2005 which included the Prohibition of Lifetime Health Benefits for Interim Legislators, and Cell phone restrictions/learner and graduated drivers
2004: "General Patton Act"/animal cruelty felony, Lottery Education Reform, Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act
2003: Tennessee Education Lottery Implementation Law and Scholarship/Education Law
2002: State Lottery Referendum passed with 58%, President Tennessee Student Scholarship Lottery Coalition, Aggravated animal cruelty act, Cultural license plates reform act
2001: State Lottery Referendum, Non-livestock Humane Death Act, Post Conviction DNA Analysis Act, Uniform Athlete Agents Act, & The 2000 Presidential Election Debacle Reform Bill
2000: Graduated Drivers License, T-BO Act (non-economic damages for death of pets), & Emeritus Pay Reform
1999: Naming of the "Albert Gore, Sr. Memorial Interstate Highway System," The Good Samaritan Protection Act, & Elderly Abuse Law
1998: Most Aggravated Drunk Driver Act, 70 MPH Speed Limit, & Cultural/Special License Plate Reform
1997: Music Highway Act, Anti-SLAPP Act, Memphis Sports Authority Funding Act, & Professional Baseball Sales Tax Rebate Act (AutoZone Park)
1995: Toll Free Legislative Line Service, Campaign Finance Reform (co-prime sponsor), Lobbyist Reform Act (co-prime sponsor), State Carjacking Law, Handicapped Parking Citation Law, & Imported Keg Beer Law
1994: Handgun Permit Reform Bill & Women's Restroom Equity Act
1993: Sexual Harassment Act, Used Oil Collection Act, & Bicentennial Beautification Act (interstate wildflowers)
1992: Open Appointments Act & Stalking Law
1991: Reduction of Waste in Government Act, Anti-Skullduggery Act (election reform), & Consumer Telemarketing Protection Act
1990: Civil Rights Act & Finance Registry Act (Ethics)
1989: Volunteer State Investment Fund Act (tax free open-ended bond funds)
1988: Sports Agent Legislation & Hate Crimes Bill
1987: Racing Control Act (Parimutuel referendum), College and Cultural License Plates (Arts funding), Dual Divorce Act, & Private Protective Services Licensing & Regulatory Act
1986: Felon voting rights (1986-96 "Cohen Period")
1984: Created the Tennessee Commission on the Commemoration of the Holocaust
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