I have remained neutral in this race because it's not my district. Then on second thought, I considered that this city council will have to work with the Mayor for the next four years. So even though I don't have a vote, they are one of the thirteen votes on the city council. After looking at this candidate's platform and record of community involvement, James Catchings is by far the most deserving of this council seat. He brings one thing to the table that none of the other candidates do, both running or seated. If elected, he plans to dedicate himself to the council full-time. Edmund Ford Jr. may be a fine young man, but he shouldn't win this time. Several candidates in this past election have been elected simply due to name recognition. Based on the way it looks now, this city council will be in dire need of a balancing force. In my opinion James Catchings is that balance. Go to his website below and see what you think.
In all fairness I must give people the opportunity to see Mr. Catching's opposition, Edmund Ford Jr. I am not anti-Ford as some people are, but I don't think he should be elected just because his last name is Ford. A member of his family has held this office for the last 33 years. His claim to fame is an algebra tutoring program he is currently touting. Other than that he hasn't done very much other than get himself educated. Which is more beneficial to him than it is to anyone else. Click on the link below to go to his website.
You are entitled to your opinion and the right to express it, but before you type a blog about it please proofread your spelling and grammar. Your post was wrought with mistakes, as well as unbalanced presentation. You most certainly presented a one sided view for someone claiming to be "fair". You left out (most likely on purpose) many of Ford's qualities. That is your right, but don't claim that you are being fair in showcasing both candidates.
I noticed you didn't point out any of my mistakes. Probably because you couldn't find any. I am tired of all you cowards throwing rocks and hiding your hands. Stand up for a change and defend your positions. The intimidation tactic doesn't work here. You attack my presentation, yet you offer no rebuttal. Since I purposely left out his many accomplishments, obviously I didn't know about them. Why didn't you point out some of his fine qualities? I don't write for a living, so there may well be some errors in my writing. But not enough to throw any prudent person off. If you don't understand what I said, your level of comphrehension leaves much to be desired. Not only are you a liar but a fool.
Still waiting on the long awaited critique, which probably won't be coming. Edmund Ford Jr. supporters are planning to ride this thing out, hoping people won't investigate. They count on voters not being informed
"After looking at this candidates platform"
***should be candidate's
"Based on the way it looks now. This city council will be in dire need of a balancing force."
***Incorrect punctuation, should have placed a comma instead of a period, and shouldn't have capitalized "this". Unless you meant it to be that way, in which case it is still an incomplete sentence.
"Which is more beneficial to him than anyone else."
***another sentence fragment
"I am not anti-Ford"
"His claim to fame is an algebra tutoring program he is currently touting.Other than that he hasn't done very much other than get himself educated"
***doesn't seem very unbiased to me
"Which is more beneficial to him than anyone else."
***yet another sentence fragment
Have you even looked at his biography? Since you have his website link, that would be the first step, but did you actually read it? Do you even know how he has gotten himself ready for this position for the last 2 1/2 years, way before the indictment on his father? That's the stuff that you and media outlets do not like to discuss because you are afraid that this person may be a viable candidate, one that could help the city progress. You also make it look like as if he was running because of the indictment or because he is entitled. This is all empty rhetoric.
Well, just for you and others that may not know, this is a man that was teaching in the schools and working on his doctorate who took the time to drive from Nashville to Memphis on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to attend every meeting to know exactly what is going on in Memphis government and how it is run. You were right about one thing; he was getting educated, but you were absolutely wrong making it look as if he had his nose in a book all day. In my strong oponion, that is a high work ethic he has expressed. Catchings is a retired principal; if he was really interested and vested, wouldn't he have been down to the Council to keep abreast of the legislative business in a similar capacity as Ford, Jr.?
He also started his Gateway program because the Westwood Neighborhood Association presented this issue to him; he responded to it, and this is a man that has not even taken office. Besides being a principal for decades, what has Catchings PRESENTLY brought to the table? Being part of a plethora of civic organizations does not mean that a person is a better match for being in city government than someone who has taken the initiative and is significantly younger.
It is time for the city to possess young minds and energy to lead this city. With all due respect to Catchings, the man is 68 years old. Why is he just deciding to run for a political office and why is Ford being looked down on because he is 40 years younger? Let it be known that two current council members were 27 when they first served (Brent Taylor and Tom Marshall), but were they looked down on because they wanted to serve at a young age? I don't think so.
Finally, you and every outlet love to label and judge this young man because of his family. Every time I see Ford Jr's name, someone always has to say that he is the son of the "indicted" or "convicted" family member. Candidly, if your mother was a crackhead, would it be fair to label you as one or judge you by your family? Would you like it if someone said, "Here is Common, the son of the crackhead mother that everybody knows"? No, this is not fair, and you show your bias and this kind of judgment in your second comment. Also, for the record, his father has only been indicted, NOT convicted. You and others have already condemned the man, the son, and the family because you already assume the young man's father is guilty. Most of this is intentional, but I don't believe it has worked in District 6; remember Ford, Jr. did get 38% of the vote with 11 people in the race.
Well, Common, I sincerely hope this "liar and fool" has presented enough "accomplishments" and "fine qualities" about Mr. Ford. I also hope that your bias has been exposed so that you and others can see how Ford, Jr. is very qualified. He is young, educated, and genuinely wants to serve. I don't know anyone else who would take almost 3 years of time, gas money, and initiative for a city position and not be the best candidate. Since it is not my style to call names as you have, I sincerely hope that this has brought some light to you. If you need any more factual information, I'll be right here. You have a wonderful day.
This person must write resumes.
Like I said in the earlier post, "not enough to throw any prudent individual off." Your latest posts only proves my point. You're splitting hairs here, trying to cloud the issue. You still didn't say anything to discount what I said at first. I posted both links, so that's as unbiased as I have to be in this. The purpose of the post was to show who I supported; not who you like. Since you supported someone else, you should write a blog stating such. You seem to understand what I said, unless you're doing a lot of assuming. Which, based on some of your accusations; you are doing. It's obvious you are an Edmund Ford, Jr. supporter, and that's your right. But it's my right as well to support somebody else.
I never mentioned his father, because that doesn't necessarily influence my choice. I'm one of those people who supported his aunt "Ophelia" in her race. Even though I feel "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" does have some validity. This sounds like a conscious issue on your part. You assume the reason people don't support him, is because of his father's situation. That does play a part, but that's not all.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's get to the crust of the matter. I don't share your enthusiasm for this new, young leadership you talk about. I'm a firm believer that experience is the best teacher. This city doesn't need a new and improved hustle. The best judge of future character, is a proven history. I haven't said what Edmund Ford Jr.'s done or is going to do, it remains to be seen. We do know what Mr. Catchings has done though, it's documented.
You should have made your case in your first post. I appreciate the passion of your last response. It would have had more impact initially. I only called you what you consider names, because you attacked me first. You challenged my truthfulness and intelligence, because I didn't agree with you. I have no problem with being corrected, but I'm a stickler for facts. Which I provided to support my position.
Is Mr. Ford engaged to a white woman?
Common, I usually agree with what you say on your blogs, especially the one about the race against Stephanie and Bill. However, I cannot agree with you on this one. You and the other poster expressed several valid points. I have had the pleasure recently to meet both of these candidates and to ask them important questions concerning crime, education, and economic development.
I hate to say this, but Catchings was completely out of the loop as far as these issues were concerned. Notwithstanding his record of accomplishments, Catchings' knowledge of his own community was unseen, if not nonexistent. This was also displayed on WLOK's radio show last night. I wish you could have listened to it.
Although you might not meet eye to eye on what I am about to say, Edmund Ford, Jr. illustrated that he was a better candidate last night. He specifically stated what the City Council was doing currently and what he wanted to bring to the table. I hate to say this, but Catchings did not really discuss the issues. When he did discuss the issues, however, he was talking about implementing things that have already been done (i.e. fingerprinting in police cars).
I am not a Ford fan, and his family leaves little to be desired, but I have to say that I am impressed with the young man. Catchings was a fine principal during his days, but he really has not done his homework on the community that he supposedly knows about.
My predictions:
District 1 - Stephanie Gatewood (barely)
District 2 - Brian Stephens
District 3 - Harold Collins
District 6 - Edmund Ford, Jr.
Anonymous 8:44,
I'm glad you responded to the post, it gives me a chance to eat crow. Something I very seldom have to do, but I don't mind when it's in order. The other person obviously didn't know I do my homework, and they came at me the wrong way. "You can draw more bees with honey than you can vinegar." A lot of these New-Jacks don't seem to understand that. I stated my reasons for supporting Dr. Catchings at first, but that was before I heard him speak. The candidate doesn't do his record and the web-site justice.
I heard him on Andrew Clarksenior's show last week, and I must admit I was somewhat disappointed. Whe asked some direct questions one on one. The things he said didn't make sense. I was going to make a comment about it, then I found myself in the midst of a debate about my grammar. Which turned out to be just a smokescreen. They might have been right about what they said,but they didn't prove me wrong either. Just like you said, he wasn't in touch with what I felt were important issues in his district. He seemed preoccupied with getting felons second chances and their rights restored. Which is not at the top of my list of things that needs attention. Many of the problems in his district are a result of that mindset.
I was surprised to hear him on WREC 600. I doubt many people in his district even listen to that station anyway. Based on what he said he obviously doesn't listen to the show either. I think he is just calling all the radio shows he can call, saying the same thing. Andrew did what he does to most liberals, "poked holes in his positions and theories."
Joe Ford, Jr. was soundly rejected as a candidate in the Democratic primary. An issue was that he had spent little time in Memphis as an adult. He is the son of Joe Ford, Sr., a Ford sibling that has not, to my knowledge, been indicted for a crime.
Jake Ford, son of Harold Ford, Sr., was soundly rejected when he ran for the nineth congressional congressional district, no doubt for a number of reasons. Among his lackings was the absences of creditable services within the community.
There have been complaints by citizens regarding the engagement of Harold Ford, Jr. to a non-Affrican American, but no complaints about Edmund Ford, Jr. with his engagement to a non-African American. I wouldn't call this an honest analysis.
Edmund Ford, Jr. has just recently moved back to Memphis and is starting his career as a teacher at Central High School. He has no record of adult accomplishments in Memphis and little or no experience living here as an adult where he would have knowledge, much less the ability for solving the problems of Memphis. Citizens have complained that Nikki Tinker has no credibility as a candidate due to the fact that she has been in Memphis no more than a few years as an adult.
The Fords have caused many problems in the Memphis community where it is obvious that they have ignored the voters and the laws of our city and state, yet we have people making another 180 degree return to favor this inexperienced young man who has spent little adult time in this city. The upcoming council will have many changes of face. It will need people with real adult experience and knowledge of the city to get Memphis going again.
Putting another Ford in office is not good. In Dr. James Catchings we have a mature and grown African American whose credentials greatly surpass the Ford he is running against. This Thursday, please vote for Dr. James Catchings for City Council, District 6.
"In Dr. James Catchings we have a mature and grown African American whose credentials greatly surpass the Ford he is running against."
Anonymous 5:13, time for a reality check to you and your goons whose feeble attempt to throw rhetoric on every blog in cyberspace will basically backfire. This is the same James Catchings who Common points out knows NOTHING about his community but simply wants felons to vote again. This is the same James Catchings who sounds like a broken record whenever you hear him on the radio. This is the same James Catchings who cannot answer direct questions but has an earned doctorate of education. This is the same James Catchings who was caught in broad daylight off the corner of Elvis Presley and Shelby Drive on Monday pulling up Ed Ford Jr signs by a preacher and others. This is the same James Catchings who was reported pulling up signs from elderly people's houses and throwing them away where they can't get them.
Anonymous 5:13, you and Catchings should take a lesson from Politics 101. All of the things that your so called candidate is doing will NOT get him elected. Ford may not be the best candidate, but these asinine things that you type and he does in public make Ford winning a simple cakewalk. So if you want him to win, keep doing this ignorant stuff.
Before I go to bed, what is up with this?
"There have been complaints by citizens regarding the engagement of Harold Ford, Jr. to a non-Affrican American, but no complaints about Edmund Ford, Jr. with his engagement to a non-African American. I wouldn't call this an honest analysis."
I don't know who is dating or engaged to whom, but your statement above just solidifies your ignorance. You sound like a bitter female who would not be given the time of day by either of the Ford Jr's. Are you even in a relationship. If not, don't even try to judge someone else's because your house may not even be in order.
Well, I hope that you and your group continue to dig the hole deeper. I'll be back here on Thursday...will you?
I'm here Anonymous 5:13...and according to my knowledge...Edmund Ford, Jr. has beaten James Obbie Catchings by almost 200 votes. I got some hot sauce for that crow.
District 6
Ford 1,751 53%
Catchings 1,556 47%
I know I'm completely late, but I just HATE it when successful educated black men makes a whitey his wifey. UUUGH! Maybe that's just my fact, issue and opinion.
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