
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is This What They Mean By Change

I suppose we would have to give credit to Barack Obama credit for coining the phrase "A vote for change." The term seemed to catch fire with his campaign. Now everyone without a record of service are using it as a All these candidates promising to change things if elected to office. Are a dime a dozen these days. Could it be that they just want to do something different, whether it's right or wrong? I'm not always in favor of doing away with the old way of things if they're working. All these New jacks are are coming on the scene trying to reinvent the wheel. Nikki Tinker seems to be content with dropping names and rubbing elbows with sorority sisters. That doesn't translate to being better qualified than any of the others. It just means more of the same with a different name.

The latest departure from tradition involves the Ohio congresswoman Tiffany Jones. She is the first incumbent to endorse someone against another incumbent, especially when that other person is doing such a good job. Could it have something to do with the fact that Steve Cohen's rise to power is quicker than perhaps Ms. Jone's? There are enough failures already in the party, not to pick on the successes. Is this what they mean by change?


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I believe most if not all politicains are full of crap. They will say almost anything and do almost anything to get elected into office. Tinker is going to change what, how is she going to change anything seeing as it takes 2/3 majority in the House and the Senate to change a thing.

    Congress moves slower than a snail becasue Repub and Dems can't/won't agree on anything the other side brings to the table. They're to caught up in bashing each other and pushing ear marks and there own personal agenda to accomplish really anything.

    As an example, last year Ted Kennedy was holding up Jessica's Law becasue there was something before the Senate to place a Wind Farm up in Mass. However Ted Would have been able to see it from the Kennedy Compound, so he inserted that in with Jessica's Law.

    A yes vote for Jessica's Law was a no vote for the Wind Farm.

    All of these politicans are self serving and really care about what can I do to get elcted and how can I keep getting re-elected.

  2. A real change would be a Conservative being elected in the 9th district.
