Thursday, September 25, 2008

Age And Experience Over Intellect

Once again John McCain has out foxed Barack Obama and stole the show. The old man hasn't been a Senator for twenty-six years and hasn't been paying attention. His competition's inexperience in politics is showing now. However this latest situation plays out, John McCain is going to come out ahead. The only people that think he's avoiding the planned debate are Obama supporters. And that's wishful thinking. It's not even a complete sale with them. Most people know McCain has been challenging Obama to debates and town-hall meetings since they both were nominated to no avail. So this notion that Obama can't wait to face him in a debate is preposterous. Especially in light of the fact that he might lose the debate anyway. The American people would rather have their Senators in Washington doing something about the economy rather than in Oxford Miss. verbal jousting with each other. Instead it comes across as John McCain putting his own interests behind those of the American people.

Barack Obama trusted John McCain and he got played. While he was planning a joint appearance with him and McCain before the American people. Where he would at least get an equal bounce. John McCain was calling his own press conference to announce the suspension of his campaign until the bailout was resolved. Forcing Obama to take a position one way or the other. Resulting in an inappropriate comment. Contrary to how he probably really felt. It didn't help when President Bush requested they return to help reach a settlement. Essentially leaving his decision without teeth.

John McCain is full of surprises. I think tonight we might see another one. Barack Obama is in a bad position. Everything he does or doesn't do ends up getting turned around. John McCain uses it to his advantage. A one on one with America would be right up Obama's alley. It would be a stage for him to use his charm and charisma. I'm sure he's already preparing in hopes of that happening. I can't see McCain giving him that kind of opportunity. How would he handle a last minute debate? That would totally throw him off his game plan. Once again age and experience would triumph over intellect.